Narang, Mahesh KumarSunil Kumar2023-12-112023-12-112022Sunil Kumar (2022). Evaluation of different types of super seeders for sowing of wheat in combine harvested paddy fields (Unpublished M.Tech. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. super seeder machine with different blades and furrow openers was evaluated at three forward speeds (gear IA, IB and IC at 2400 rpm) in the combine harvested paddy fields. The experiment was conducted in two types of soils 1.e., sandy loam soil and sandy clay loam soil. During the evaluation of super seeder having different independent parameters like different types of blades (LJF type and L. type) and furrow openers (Single disc and Double disc). The dependent parameters were emergence count, plant height, grains per ear head, tillers per meter square, thousand grains weight, grain yield, field capacity and depth of seed placing. It was found that with an increase in forward speed, the field capacity of the super seeder was increased. Field capacity was found higher in the case of LJF type blades than the L type blade. The average field capacity at gear 1A, 1B, and IC at 2400 rpm were calculated 0.32 ha/h, 0.38 ha/h, and 0.46 ha/h respectively. The maximum grain yield was found 49.4 q/ha for the LJF type blade with double disc type furrow opener at a speed of F2 in both the soil sandy loam (SI) and sandy clay loam (S2) followed by 49.2 q/ha by L type blade with double disc type furrow opener at speed F1 and F2 in sandy clay loam (S2) and sandy loam soil (SI) respectively. It was recommended that LJF type blade, double disc furrow opener at forward speed of F2 (1B at 2400 rpm) for super seeder for both the soils. The super seeder was also compared with happy seeder machine at three forward speeds and two type of soils. All the dependent parameters like emergence count, plant height, grains per ear head, tillers per meter square, thousand grains weight, grain yield and field capacity were found nonsignificant effect in case of happy seeder and Super seeder Depth of seed placing was found more in case of happy seeder than super seeder. Maximum grain yield found in case of happy seeder was 49.9 q/ha and in case of super seeder was 49.4 q/ha.EnglishEvaluation of different types of super seeders for sowing of wheat in combine harvested paddy fieldsThesis