Srinivasa, N.CHIDANANDA MUDDAIAH, HIREMATHA2018-04-132018-04-132017-07-20Th-11653 crimson spider mite, Tetranychus lombardinii infested jasmine crop, more particularly Jasminum sambac in 11 districts of Karnataka. In Bangalore, J. sambac harboured more number of mites (12.72 mites/twig of 6-8 leaves) compared to J. multiflorum & J. grandiflorum (10.39 to 10.95). Mite activity showed gradual increase from August onwards recording a peak of 23.24 mites in Nov. followed by low intensity peaks (10-11mites) in Feb. & April. Mite development in the laboratory was faster (24.85 - 8.74 days for female; 24.26 to 7.37 for male) as rearing temperature increased from 20℃ to 35℃. Life cycle was shortest (7.37 days for male & 8.74 for female) at 35℃. Life cycle was shortest (7.62 to 22.37 days for male; 9.04 to 23.86 for female) on J. sambac at all temperature (20℃- 35℃) & relative humidity (71-88%) conditions. Longevity, oviposition period, fecundity and sex ratio declined (22.61 to 7.96 days, 18.68 to 4.27 days, 49.24 to 16.12 eggs/female and 1:13.6 to 1:4.3) as rearing temperature increased from 20℃ to 35℃. Mite also preferred J. sambac for reproduction vis-a-vis J. multiflorum & J. grandiflorum. Life table data were generated at four constant rearing temperatures on Jasminum spp. Intrinsic rate of natural increase, rm (female offsprings/female/day) was relatively high when reared between 25℃ & 30℃ (0.153 to 0.191 & 0.165 to 0.189, respectively). Relative toxicity of acaricides (based on LC50 values) to T. lombardinii was, Hexythiazox (0.11ppm)> Fenpyroximate (0.14)> Fenazaquin (0.42)> Fenpropathrin (0.56)> Buprofezin (0.83)> Spiromesifen(0.95)> Dicofol (1.49)> Propargite (4.49)> Diafenthurion (8.80). The Order of field residual toxicity (based on LT50 values) was, Spiromesifen (17.12 days)> Fenazaquin (14.54)> Fenpyroximate (14.08)> Propargite (13.98)> Dicofol (13.63)> Hexythiazox (12.92)> Buprofezin (12.52)> Fenpropathrin (12.43)> Diafenthiuron (11.73).ennullBIONOMICS AND CONTROL OF RED SPIDER MITE, Tetranychus lombardinii BAKER AND PRITCHARD (ACARI: TETRANYCHIDAE) INFESTING JASMINUM SPP.Thesis