MEHTA, D.K.KANWAR, RAJESH2017-08-162017-08-162017 Knowledge of genetic diversity is important for selection of parents in the crop improvement programmes and to develop a sustainable conservation strategy. The present investigation entitled “Studies on characterization and evaluation of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris l.) germplasm of Himachal Pradesh” was conducted in the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 to decipher the French bean diversity of Himachal Pradesh through varietal characterization and also aimed to evaluate the performance of different French bean genotypes for seed yield and other agronomical attributes. In total 26 geographically diverse French bean genotypes collected from different agro-climatic zones of Himachal Pradesh and two check varieties viz., Baspa and Jawala were utilized in the study. The genotypes were subjected to preliminary seed morphometric characterization in the Laboratory and field evaluation in the Experimental farm using qualitative and quantitative traits. Analysis of seed morphometric traits revealed ample amount of variability with respect to seed coat colour, seed shape, 100 seed weight, seed length and seed width. The field experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications for studying the extent of variability and performance of each genotype. Observations were recorded on eleven qualitative and fifteen quantitative traits. Amongst the qualitative traits, French bean genotypes observed variability w.r.t. plant growth habit, stem pigmentation, hairiness on the stem, flower colour, pod colour at immature stage and pod shape. Analysis of variance for quantitative traits showed significant differences among all the genotypes for all the characters studied. The genotypes RL-19 and RL-20 gave higher seed yield and performed better for many of the horticultural traits over all the checks. The genotypic variance was low to high for different traits studied, which resulted in low to high heritability and genetic gain values. High heritability coupled with high genetic gain was observed for plant height at final harvest, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, 100 seed weight and seed yield /plant which suggests their improvement through simple selection method. Correlation analysis revealed that all the traits except pod width had significant positive correlation with seed yield per plant at both phenotypic and genotypic level. Further, path coefficient analysis indicated that pod length had the highest positive direct effect on seed yield/plant followed by number of seeds per pod, number of pods per plant, days to 50% flowering, number of branches per plant, leaflet width, harvest duration, plant height at final harvest and 100 seed weight. Therefore, main emphasis should be given on these characters, while making selection in French bean genotypes. D2 Mahalanobis analysis divided the genotypes into three clusters and revealed that the cluster I and II were most divergent and there will be more chances of getting better segregants in F2 and subsequent generations from the crossing of genotypes from cluster I and II. Thus, hybridization between the genotypes of these groups can be very effective for further improvement in French bean. Moreover, 15 RAPD primers were used for deducing the diversity at DNA level. The French bean genotypes produced 79 PCR fragments, of which 59 were polymorphic with an average of 3.93 polymorphic bands per primer. The level of polymorphism with different primers ranged between 42.86-100%. The average Jaccard similarity index among genotypes ranged from 0.48 to 0.98, thereby showing sufficient genetic variability. Dendrogram generated via RAPD information separated majority of the genotypes in two sub clusters (Ia and Ib) sharing approximately 68% similarity between each other. Further, genotype RL-21 followed by RL- 18, RL-17 and RL-22 came as an outliner falling individually in distinct indexing pattern. Geographical affiliations and morphological associations were observed while studying the genotypic patterns within each group i.e. A, B, C and D, thereby conforming the usefulness of PCR based approach in diversity assessment. Thus, the present study indicated that the collected landraces had sufficient variability both at morphological and molecular level. Such variability is desirable in breeding programs.ennullSTUDIES ON CHARACTERIZATION AND EVALUATION OF FRENCH BEAN (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) GERMPLASM OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis