Kumar, Vandana A.Bhattacharjee, Tamalika2021-12-112021-12-112021-11https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810179067Present study was conducted during 2021 in the Department of Biochemistry, College of Basic Sciences and Humanities, GBPUAT for reutilization of waste PTC medium for growth of bacteria. The sample under investigation included three types of waste MS medium (S2,S3,S4) that had been discarded after sub-culturing of Fragaria ananassa, Nicotiana tobacum and Rheum emodii plantlets. S1 was the freshly prepared MS medium. The carbohydrate, glycine, vitamins ,N, P, S, Ca, Mg and K contents in all samples were analyzed spetrophotometrically, turbimatrically and by AAS techniques. Results depicted that in the used samples S2,S3,S4 sucrose and glycine reduced to 30-40%,inorganic nutrients and vitamins reduced to 8-20% as compared to S1 hence, data for all parameters analyzed in S2,S3,S4 was significantly different from S1. The waste MS medium in different combination, with nutrient agar (NA-MS-U 100:0 as control, NA-MS-U 50:50 and NA-MS-U 0:100 as test material) were tested for B1,B2,B3,B4,B5. The highest no of B2 colonies (67) developed in 0:100 at pH6 and followed by 59 AT pH 7 for B1. Gentiana kurro rhizosphere population of bacteria developed to 38 x 105 CFU at pH6, in NA-MS-U 50:50 followed by 33 x 105 CFU at pH 6, in NA-MS-U 50:50. The six isolates were obtained from NA-MS-U 0:100 medium which were rod shaped, 5 being gram –Ve and 1 being gram +Ve. One of the isolates named as I3 was positive for phosphate solubilisation activity, zinc solubilisation activity and IAA production test but –Ve for siderophore production. Hence, the waste MS medium could be used for growth of B2and could also be used for the growth of Gentiana kurro rhizospheric isolates.EnglishUtilization of waste plant tissue culture medium for the growth of plant growth promoting rhizobacteriaThesis