Dijee, BastianAdarsh, P V.KAU2024-09-112024-09-112023-07-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810214387An experiment was undertaken at the Department of Seed Science and Technology, College of Agriculture, Kerala Agricultural University, Vellanikkara, Thrissur to test the efficacy of nanosized particles of Zinc Oxide and custard apple leaf in seed treatments.. The study consisted of three experiments. In the first experiment, seeds were treated with the nanoparticles as presowing treatments and the crop raised to ascertain its effect on growth and yield. Nano ZnO @ 500 mg kg-1 of seed (T4) performed superior for days to first flowering (73.33 days), fruit weight at maturity (2.27g), fruit yield per plant (224.56g), seed yield per plant (24.02g). Nano ZnO@ 400 mg kg-1 of seed (T3) performed superior for days to 50 per cent flowering (79.67days), plant height (42.94cm) and branches per plant (12.67). Nano ZnO @ 500mg kg-1 of seed (T4) perfomed well in case seed yield and seed yield attributes. In experiment II, seeds were subjected to the same treatments as in the previous experiment and stored for six months. The stored seeds were then used to raise the crop. Nano ZnO @ 500 mg kg-1 of seed (T4) treatment recorded least number of days to first flowering (76.33) hihest number of branches per plant(14.86), fruits per plant(108.67), fruit weight at maturity(7.10g), fruit yield per plant (770.68g), number of seeds per fruit (73.80) and seed yield per plant (60.56g). Nano ZnO @ 500mg kg-1 (T4) of seed perfomed well in case seed yield and seed yield attributes. In the third experiment, three month old seeds were treated with nanoparticles as enumerated under Experiment I and stored for three months. Seed quality parameters were measured during due course of storage as per ISTA standards at monthly intervals. Highly significant differences were observed among the treatments. At the end of the storage period (three months) nano ZnO @ 400 mg kg-1 of seed recorded highest germination value for 60 per cent (64.33),and shoot length (4.21cm), root length (8.79), seedling dry weight(24.96), vigour index I (836) and vigour index II (1606). Nano Custard leaf powder @ 500 mg kg-1 of seed treatment infection after three months of storage both in case of blotter method (26.67) and agar method (33.33) . Zinc Oxide nano particles @500mg kg-1 of seed where found promising as prestorage and presowing treatment and @ 400 mg kg-1 of seed was good as a mid storage treatment. The present study indicates that seed longevity, viability and seedling performance can be enhanced by treating the chilli seeds with nano particles both organic and inorganic nano particlesEnglishSeed invigoration with nanoscale particles in chilli (Capsicum annum L.)Thesis