Bhargavi, SKannan, TARamesh, GeethaSumathi, DArun Prasad, ATANUVAS2020-07-212020-07-212018 16029_2018Anatomic evaluation of heart using Two-dimensional echocardiography and radiography was done in 12 apparently healthy Rajapalayam dogs (young – 6; adult – 6) and 12 Chippiparai (young – 6; adult – 6) dogs. On radiographic examination, the heart was located obliquely in the middle mediastinal space from third to seventh intercostal space in both Rajapalayam and Chippiparai dogs. Shape of the heart was found to be narrow, tall and slightly upright in Chippiparai dogs and was globular, more obliquely placed in Rajapalayam dogs.enVeterinary ScienceANATOMIC EVALUATION OF HEART USING TWO-DIMENSIONAL ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY AND RADIOGRAPHY IN INDIGENOUS BREEDS OF DOGSThesis