SYAAMA SUNDAR, N (MAJOR)VAIKUNTA RAO, VASWANI KUMAR, KSHAJU, LAIMI ELIZABETH2019-07-112019-07-112019-02 aim of the study was to find out the incidence of certain systemic diseases in geriatric dogs, to record the clinical signs and haemato-biochemical and abdominal ultrasonographic changes in geriatric dogs with certain systemic diseases, to study the findings of thoracic radiography, electrocardiography and echocardiographic examination in geriatric dogs with acquired heart diseases. The study revealed that acquired heart diseases, genital diseases, urinary system diseases, respiratory diseases, periodontal diseases and diseases of eye and ear are common in geriatric dogs. It was observed that various systemic diseases were common in Pomeranian dogs with higher occurrence in males. The study revealed that mitral valve insufficiency is the predominant acquired heart disease in geriatric dogs, followed by tricuspid valve insufficiency, DCM, pericardial effusion and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. In genital diseases pyometra and prostatomegaly were diagnosed. In urinary system diseases chronic kidney disease was the predominant condition observed in the present study. Other urinary diseases observed were cystitis and urolithiasis. The predominant respiratory system disease observed as tracheobronchitis followed by tracheal collapse, pulmonary edema and pleurisy. Other geriatric conditions observed in the present study were periodontal diseases and diseases of eye and ear. Haematological findings in geriatric dogs with certain systemic diseases were low haemoglobin, TEC and PCV and neutrophilic leukocytosis. The serum biochemical estimation of geriatric dogs with concerned systemic diseases revealed increased ALT, ALP, BUN, creatinine and decrease in total protein and albumin in general. The thoracic radiographic findings in dogs with mitral valve disease were left atrial enlargement, roundening of anterior border of heart, elevation of trachea, pulmonary congestion and edema. The prominent thoracic radiographic findings in dogs with dilated cardiomyopathy were cardiomegaly, pulmonary congestion and edema, enlargement of left atrium and plural effusions. The radiographic findings of dogs with tricuspid valve disease were right atrial enlargement, elevation of trachea and right ventricular enlargement. The thoracic radiographic findings of pericardial disease were plural effusions, pericardial effusions and cardiomegaly. The thoracic radiographic findings in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy were cardiomegaly and pulmonary congestion and edema. Thoracic radiographic findings in respiratory diseases observed were tracheobronchial infiltration and interstitial pattern of lung parenchyma, increased fluid density of lung lobes, tracheal collapse and pleurisy. Abdominal radiography findings in lateral abdominal radiograph of bitches with pyometra was sausage like fluid filled tubular structure located between the descending colon and urinary bladder and survey radiograph of caudal abdomen revealed enlargement of the size of prostate gland in prostatomegaly. The abdominal ultrasound findings in urinary system diseases were indistinct cortico-medullary junction, hyperechoic cortex, Increased wall thickness of urinary bladder and cystolith in the lumen of urinary bladder. The abdominal ultrasonography findings in dogs with pyometra was fluid filled sacculations (anechoic) with variable wall thickness were visualized. In prostatomegaly enlargement of gland with multifocular hyperechoic parenchyma were noticed. The predominant electrocardiographic findings in dogs with mitral valve disease observed were sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation and S-T coving. The predominant electrocardiographic findings in dilated cardiomyopathy were sinus tachycardia, S-T coving, left atrial and ventricular enlargement and atrial fibrillation. In pericardial effusion the only ECG finding was sinus tachycardia. In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy left ventricular enlargement and sinus tachycardia were observed. In the present study, dogs with mitral valve insufficiency had significant increase in mean ±SE values of LVIDd, LVIDs, EDV and ESV and significant decrease in values of LVPWd, LVPWs, FS and EF when compared to control group. The values of IVSd, IVSs and LA/Ao ratio were not significantly different compared to control group. In dilated cardiomyopathy significant increase in mean ±SE values of LVIDd, LVIDs, LA/AO,EDV and ESV, and significant decrease in the LVPWd, LVPWs, FS and EF were observed. In tricuspid valve insufficiency significant increase in EDV and ESV observed and other values had no significant difference compared to control group. In pericardial effusion significant increase in IVSs, LA/AO, EDV and ESV and significant decrease in FS and EF. In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, significant increase in LVPWd and EDV and significant decrease in LVIDd observed. Mitral valve regurgitation and tricuspid valve regurgitation were detected in dogs by colour Doppler echocardiography.ennullCLINICO–DIAGNOSTIC STUDIES ON CERTAIN SYSTEMIC DISEASES IN GERIATRIC DOGSThesis