RADHIKA, P.PRIYARANJAN DAS, J2018-06-292018-06-292016http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810055799The present study entitled “Commodity futures trading in agricultural commodities in India” was undertaken to find out the various segments of participants trading in agricommodities futures market and their trend. The study also assesses the awareness levels, perception and participation in agricommodity futures market of individuals in the study area of Hyderabad. Future trading is executing future contract by delivering or receiving a specific commodity during a designated month at a price determined by open auction on a future exchange. Futures contracts are financial assets similar to stocks and bonds, but with a few important differences like physical settlement, warehousing and quality of underlying assets which make futures an attractive investment for traders. As compared to 59 commodities in January 2005, 113 commodities were traded in the commodities futures market as of December 2014, and these included major agricultural commodities (rice, wheat, jute, gur, cotton, coffee, major pulses like urad, arahar, chana, edible oilseeds like mustard seed, coconut oil, groundnut oil and sunflower), spices (pepper, chilies, cumin seed and turmeric), metals (aluminum, tin, nickel and copper), bullion (gold and silver), crude oil, natural gas and polymer, among others. AUTHOR : J.PRIYARANJAN DAS TITLE OF THE PROJECT WORK : COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING IN AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES IN INDIA DEGREE : MBA (ABM) FACULTY : AGRICULTURE MAJOR FIELD : AGRIBUSINESS MANAGEMENT MAJOR ADVISOR : DR.P.RADHIKA UNIVERSITY : PROFESSOR JAYASHANKAR TELANGANA STATE AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY YEAR OF SUBMISSION : 2016 There are 24 commodity exchanges in India. There are three national level commodity exchanges to trade in all permitted commodities. They are: MCX, NCDEX and NMCE. For the purpose of gathering primary data a structured schedule was designed to collect data from the respondents. The secondary data has been collected from NCDEX and MCX websites, journals, magazines and news papers. For the study a total of 100 respondents have been selected from different areas of Hyderabad city based on convenience sampling method. From the study it is noticed that self-employed business people are the major participants in the agricommodity futures market, followed by employees of private organizations, professionals and government employees. The self-employed business people included traders, processors of food, those involved in providing services and real estate dealers. It was noticed that among the 34 respondents who are aware, all were male, 10 of them were post graduates and 24 of them were graduates. It was noticed that 11 of them were self employed, 22 of them were working in private sector and one was a government employee. From the respondents who were aware about agricommodity futures trading 35 percent felt that it is a safe option to invest. Most of respondents (88%) who were aware of agricommodity futures markets were of the view that agricommodity trading is well regulated in India. The average trading done by a participant was in the range of Rs.15000-Rs.25000 per month. The factors mentioned by the participants to choose a particular commodity to trade in are high volatility of prices of these commodities, advice by the brokering firm and general demand and supply situation of the commodity. The prospective investors can be shown the benefits of agricommodity trading in futures market in comparision to other investment options. They can be educated on how to trade in commodity futures market. The brokering firms can encourage existing clients to bring in new investors and incentives can be given for introducing new investors. Since the awareness level is very low, awareness programs can be conducted in institutions and offices to create awareness among those who have the ability to invest. Making presentations in the villages for farmers by using audio-visual aids and explaining them the uses and benefits of commodity markets will increase their participation in futures market. From the survey it is found that most of the potential investors are concerned about the genuine information and moderate brokerage. Therefore they should be given information regarding changes in the price margins of different commodities and make them aware of the market.ennullCOMMODITY FUTURES TRADING IN AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES IN INDIAThesis