Syamakumari, SSandhya, ChandranKAU2019-11-292019-11-292001 study entitled "Learning Disabilities in Malnourished Children" undertaken in the rural areas of Trivandrum district was conducted to study the relative effect of malnutrition on the learning disabilities of children between five to ten years. The study was carried out in Trivandrum district among children between five to ten years selected from three Lower Primary Schools, a Primary Health Centre and Institute of Rehabilitation of children with Cognitive and Communication Disorders (IRCCCD), a sister concern of Sree Chithra Thirunal Hospital. Medical College. The sample for the study comprised of a total of 240 subjects, divided into five groups of top, average. low r an ke r s , malnourished group and learning disabled group. The variables selected for the study were grouped into dependent and independent ones for convenience of statistical analysis. The dependent variables in the study included. the assessment scores of LD. nutritional s t a t u s , intelligence and overall development. While the independent ones consisted of those regarding demographic. socio-economic, developmental, health and nutritional as well as dietary aspects.Zo2.. The results in course of this investigation revealed the following salient findings. i) The demographic and socio economic status of the subjects studied revealed a heterogenous group of rural population ranging from low to middle. socio-economic background with random representation of the th~ee religions viz, Hindu, Christian and Muslim and predominently from backward caste. ii) The health and developmental history showed comparatively high prevalence of low birth weight, premature babies to lesser duration of breast feeding and with higher incidences of illnesses, developmental and behavioural problems, among the groups comprised of low rankers (Group Ill), malnourished (Group IV) and learning disabled subjects (Gro¥p V).ennullLearning disabilities in malnourished childrenThesis