Grover, R.K.Puran Mal2016-11-242016-11-242006 information is available on area, production, marketing and other related aspects of medicinal and aromatic plants at national as well as states’ level. Keeping in view the above facts and importance of medicinal & aromatic plants in the state, the present study was undertaken with these specific objectives (i) To study the present status of major medicinal and aromatic plants in the state, (ii) to identify economic and other factors inhibiting the growth of medicinal and aromatic plants, (iii) to suggest measures to accelerate the growth of medicinal and aromatic plants. The present study pertains to Haryana state and is based on primary as well as secondary data. In total 51 villages from seven districts were selected for primary data collection. The secondary data were collected from the Directorate of Horticulture, Panchkula (Haryana). Cobb-Douglas production function was fitted to evaluate the resource use efficiency. Co-efficient of variation of yield and prices were also calculated. The triennium average ending 2004-05 of area and production of allMAPs was calculated to be 2275.39 hectares and 15672.16 quintals, respectively. Among the variable cost components, the planting material/seed accounted for the highest cost in all MAPs except Ashwagandha. The highest cost (Rs. 182152.30) was found in case of Safed musli followed by Shatavar (Rs. 55543.98) while it was minimum in case of Sonamukhi (Rs. 10859.2). All the MAPs except Sonamukhi were the profitable ventures. Shatavar was found the most profitable among all the selected MAPs. The major production related problems faced by the respondents were lack of technical knowledge, non-availability of quality planting material, non-availability of subsidies, non-availability of credit, timely non-availability of machinery, shortage of skilled labour and lack of irrigation facilities in order of priority. Major marketing problems faced by the respondent growers were lack of organization, lower prices, lack of market intelligence, lack of fair prices, lack of competition among buyers, lack of processing facilities and ignorance about quality in order of priority. Data based projections on production and prices of MAPs will develop confidence of the farmers in these crops. Analysis of response of intending farmers indicates that the prospects of Safed Musli, Ashwagandha and Shatavar seem to be relatively better among major medicinal and aromatic plants grown in the state.enLivestock, Biological phenomena, Lactation, Livestock management, Animal population, Genetics, Seasons, Sexual reproduction, Breeds (animals), DiseasesProspects and problems of medicinal and aromatic plants in HaryanaThesis