Dr. D. MADAIAH.RAGHAVENDRA PRASADDr. M. DINESH KUMAR2020-06-222020-06-222017-07-23http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810147857An experiment was conducted to study the Agro-technique intervention for strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) on vertical growing systemunder low cost polyhouse of the Department of Fruit Science, College of Horticulture, Mudigere, during 2016-17. The work was initiated to standardize plant density and soilless substrates (viz., perlite, vermiculite, coir pith, sphagnum moss and vermicompost) on growth, yield and quality. The experiment was laid out in split plot design with eight main treatments (M-media combinations) and two sub treatment (D-plant density) with sixteen treatment combination (M x D) replicated twice. The results revealed that among different plant density D1 recorded highest per cent survivability (90.00) and lowest per cent mortality (10.00) whereas, media combination M1 with perlite+vermicompost was significantly superior with respect to all traits. In interaction, M1D1-perlite+vermicompost with one plant per spot recorded highest plant height (18.25 cm), number of leaves (17.17), plant spread North-South and East-West (25.12 cm and 27.97 cm respectively), number of crowns (2.57/plant), leaf area (108.12cm2), leaf area index (1.37), total dry weight (29.94 g) and total chlorophyll content (2.57mg/g of fresh weight). M7D1 treatment with vermiculite+coir pith+vermicompost took minimum number of days for flowering (48.32) whereas, M1D2 with perlite+vermicompost and two plants per spot took longest duration for flowering (72.59 days). Highest number of flowers per plant (24.90), number of fruits per plant (24.50), fruit diameter (3.98cm) and yield per plant (365.90g) were recorded in perlite+vermicompost treatment with one plant per spot. The fruit quality parameters liketotal soluble solids (12.68°Brix), ascorbic acid content (39.62 mg/100 g), reducing sugar (5.94 %), non-reducing sugar (1.92 %), total sugars(7.50%), sugars to acid ratio(25.12) and titratable acidity (0.97 %) were highest in M1D1 and resulted in highest benefit cost ratio (2.49). Treatment M1 under D1 plant density produced superior vegetative, reproductive and quality traits.ennullAGRO - TECHNIQUE INTERVENTION FOR STRAWBERRY (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) ON VERTICAL GROWING SYSTEM UNDER NATURALLY VENTILATED POLYHOUSEThesis