Prof. Kalpesh KumarParmar Ketul F.2017-11-112017-11-112017-09 words: Bio pesticides, Market potential, Market strategies, Azatop, Trust rize, Trust up. Bio pesticide stands for biological pesticide which made from organic material without any synthetic substances (free from chemical substances). Most of the organic materials that are used to make bio-pesticide are got from the plants. Furthermore, it is very easy for us to make bio-pesticide, even for someone that does not deal in agriculture field. The research is on Estimation of market potential and their strategies of ‘Azatop’ in Baroda district was undertaken objectives of the study compare the market situation of ‘Azatop’ with other neem based production, estimate the market potential of India farm care private limited products in Baroda district, formulate the marketing strategies for launching the Neem (Azadirachta indica) product in Gujarat state, identify the factors discriminant of users and non-users of bio pesticide. The statistical tools adopted for the analysis of data were tabular method, graphical method, Chi-square, linear discriminate analysis, different formula for market share, market size and market potential. Total 118 respondents were contacted from that 100 farmers were select for the market strategies and 18 dealers were selected for the market potential. It was concluded that in the study area, the Azatop has very good response from the dealers and there are no major marketing problems. It has high credit facility of four months and other companies has two, three months’ facility. It has second most cost per hector as compare to other companies in study period. Overall Azatop was the second best product in this study period and area and it has nighty four percent positive response from the dealers. The market size for the Trust up and Trust rize products are 14.15 crore and 2.65 crore respectively. Market share for Trust up and Trust found 6.85 percent and 8.45 percent respectively. For Trust up and Trust rize, market potential of BACL 36.61 crore. Thus, 36.61 crore of rupees is the market potentiality in Baroda district for Trust up and Trust rise products. It was observed that general characteristics like age, education, size of land holding were calculated using chi-square and it was found that there were no significance between characteristics and Neem (Azadirachta indica) product of BACL. There were very less respondents (33%) were aware about the neem product. There were also hypothesis testing of sales promotional activities for two hypothesis and found that sales promotional activity is having significant impact on customers buying behavior. Different socio economics variables were discriminate of the bio pesticides user and non-user group. And it was found that there are four variables namely education, land holding, experience and age were discriminate in both user and non-user group. The value of Wilk’s Lambda lies from zero to one and it was indicate that there were strong group differences or the data from each group are differenten“ESTIMATION OF MARKET POTENTIAL AND THEIR STRATEGIES OF ‘AZATOP’ IN BARODA DISTRICT” 2470Thesis