Sreedharan, CSavithri, K EKAU2020-06-222020-06-221990CoH T-580 experiments were conducted during the period from 1986 to 1989 at the Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy, Thrissur to develop weed management practices for sole and intercropped coconut gardens. There were three fields trials. In trial - I the treatments comprised of three manual methods (digging once, digging twice and sickle weeding), six chemical methods (paraquat three sprays, glyphosate 0.4 kg ha-1, glyphosate 0.8 kg ha-1 dalapan followed by paraquat, paraquat + diuron and paraquat followed by glyphosate), two combinations of manual and chemical methods (2,4-D + diuron immediately after sickle weeding and glyphosate followed by digging) were compared with weed free and unweeded control in underplanted coconut garden. In trial - II, the treatments comprised of two manual methods (spade weeding and sickle weeding ), one cultural method (growing cowpea as an intercrop) two cultural + chemical methods (cowpea followed by paraquat or glyphosate), three pre-emergence herbicides + post-emergence herbicide (diuron followed by paraquat, oxyfluorfen followed by paraquat and atrazine followed by paraquat ) were compared with weed free and unweeded control in coconut+ banana cropping system. Unweeded control in coconut banana cropping system was compared with that in sole crop of coconut . In trial III, the treatments tried in coconut+banana cropping system were eveluated in sole crop of banana and there were thirteen treatments . All these three trials were laid out in Randomised Block Design and replicated thrice.ennullWeed management in sole and intercropped coconut gardensThesis