VENKATA NAIDU, G(MAJOR)SREENIVAS, MANDARAGHUNATH, MCHAKRAVARTHY, SINGURU2018-11-292018-11-292014-10 The study on “ Therapeutic management of endometritis in Graded Murrah buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) cows using certain immunomodulators” was carried out at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics, NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram. The buffaloes with the history of abnormal uterine discharge and not conceived in earlier services were subjected to thorough clinico-gynaecological examination and white side test to diagnose (clinical and sub clinical) endometritis. The study on nature of cervico-vaginal mucus discharge revealed that 79 (11.51%) out of 694 buffaloes were found with abnormal discharges (endometritis). Among these 79 buffalo cows, the uterine discharge contained flakes of pus in 61 (77.21%), mucopurulent discharge in 16 (20.25 %) and completely purulent in 2 (2.53%) buffaloes Clinical evaluation between endometritic (abnormal discharge) and healthy (normal discharge) buffaloes for PMNL cells (15.67±0.31 and 42.17±1.33%), bacterial load (3.49±0.15 vs 56.04±1.53 x106/ml) and level of immunoglobulins (3.60±0.14 and 15.63±0.63, mg/dl) recorded at the time of commencement of treatment were significantly different (P<0.05). The study on effect of different immunomodulators like E.Coli LPS, Oyster glycogen and Lysozyme as therapeutic agents on influx of PMNL cells, bacterial count and different isolates were detected using PCR technique and immunoglobulin level in the uterine flushing of endometritic buffalo cows before and after treatment as well as conception rate of buffaloes were studied. The overall conception rate was highest (78.57%), in Group I (E.Coli LPS ), followed by Group II (66.66%) (Oyster glycogen), Group III (50.00%) (Lysozyme) and Group IV (40.00 %) (PBS control group). From this study, it was concluded that the incidence of abnormal uterine discharge with failure of conception in buffaloes (sub clinical and clinical cases of endometritis) could be effectively treated with intrauterine infusion of E.Coli LPS. In order to further understand the uterine mucosal surface immunomodulation with E.coli LPS therapy, an analysis of the interplay of leucocytes, of their cytokinetic networks and of other humoral defense components, such as complement system and immunoglobulins should be examined. Studies on the efficacy of the E.coli LPS therapy and other immunomodulators are warranted as an alternative to the conventional use of antibiotic and of other antimicrobial agents.ennullTHERAPEUTIC MANAGEMENT OF ENDOMETRITIS IN GRADED MURRAH BUFFALO (Bubalus bubalis) COWS USING CERTAIN IMMUNOMODULARSThesis