jaganath, sSRINIVAS, N2017-08-282017-08-282016-01-05Th-11299http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810029794The experiment entitled 'Integrated nutrient and water management in fig (Ficus carica L.) cv. Poona' was conducted at Precision Farming Development Centre, Department of Horticulture, GKVK, Bengaluru during 2005 and 2006 to know the influence of irrigation levels and integrated nutrient management (INM) on growth, yield and quality parameters. The data revealed that, 100 per cent Epan replenishment of water significantly influenced the growth parameters viz., plant height, plant spread, canopy volume, shoot length, trunk girth, number of secondary branches, leaf area, chlorophyll content and N, P and K in leaves. Further, the fruit length ( 4.87cm), fruit breadth (4.66 cm), fruit weight (31.94 g), number of fruit per plant (116.33) and fruit yield (3.61 kg/plant) was significantly higher with 100 per cent Epan replenishment of water. While, the quality parameters viz., TSS (15.67° Brix) and total sugars (17.14 %) were significantly higher with 75 per cent Epan replenishment of water. Application of 100 per cent RDF + 150 g each of Azospirillum sp., T. harzianum and PSB per plant significantly influenced the fruit length ( 4.92 cm), fruit breadth ( 4.66 cm), number of fruit per plant (134.87) and fruit yield ( 4.30 kg/plant), compared to 50 per cent RDF + 150 g each sp., and PSB. Interaction effect of irrigation and INM Azospirillum revealed T. that, harzianum 100 per cent Epan replenishment of water coupled with 100 per cent RDF + 150 g each of irillum sp. + T. harzianum + PSB recorded similar trend for growth and yield parameters.Azosp Microbial inoculants for rooting of fig cuttings under green house, revealed better shoot and root growth in 'Dinakar' compared to 'Poona'. Further, the microbial consortium of Azospirillum sp., PSB, T. harzianum and G. fasciculatum inoculation recorded early sprouting and maximum shoot length, number of leaves per cutting, number of primary roots per cutting, root length, rooting percentage and survival percentage compared to individual inoculation.ennullINTEGRATED NUTRIENT AND WATER MANAGEMENT IN FIG (Ficus carica L.)Thesis