KUMAR NAIKAKANSHA SONDHIYA2023-12-272023-12-272022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810204634In the current research, fish and their internal organs are preserved through different new techniques rather than traditional method in fisheries, such as sheet plastination, glycerine mount technique, and Alizarin red stain technique. These new techniques are already implemented in various medical disciplinaries like Medical sciences and Veterinary science. This kind of preservation in fisheries is innovative for ichthyotaxonomy. These techniques can preserve the specimen for prolonged duration. In current research for sheet plastination, thin section of fish sample (3-4 mm) is preserved by following steps: fixation, dehydration, impregnated (EP), curing to preserve. By using commercial resin polymer this technique becomes inexpensive as compared to the standard plastination techniques. In the present study fish internal organ is preserved by glycerine mount technique by using following steps, fixation, dehydration, impregnation (glycerine), curing. This technique is inexpensive. Delicate internal organs can be preserved through this method for prolonged lifespan, various internal organs can be identified clearly. In Alizarin technique the skeletal system of fish is preserved by using stain called Alizarin red which stain the bones of fish without removing muscles and then stored in pure glycerine for long period of time. This method is useful for identification in skeletal deformities and ossification in different bones according to concentration of stain taken by different bones.English“PREPARATION OF FISH SPECIMEN FOR MUSEUM EXHIBITION”Thesis