Mathialagan, P.Manivannan, A.TANUVAS2018-07-022018-07-022005 professional in active professional life needs continuous education. Training is one of the Ways to update their knowledge, skills and change their attitude positively according to ‘the demand. Training is a process by which the desired knowledge, attitude, skill and idea are inculcated, fostered and reinforced in an organism. Hence educating through training is essential toauy extension worker who has to keep abreast of the latest in his profession. Veterinary Assistant Surgeon is the only extension personnel available in rural areas to educate the vast number of livestock farmers. Hence increasing their proficiency through training Will improve their efficiency in carrying out their duties.enVeterinary ScienceNeeds of Field Veterinary Extension Personnel for Continuing Professional Development in Animal Production and Extension EducationJournal of Extension EducationArticle