Dr. P. P. PatelPATEL KETULKUMAR BHAGVANBHAI2017-08-042017-08-042009http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810027369Horticulture is prominent sector among agriculture and allied activities as a means of diversification for making agriculture more profitable through efficient use of natural resources. In the horticultural development map of the world, the nature has place our country in a place of pride as it has favourable climate and soils for growing a large number of horticultural crops which includes vegetables, fruits, ornamental plants, medicinal plants, aromatic plants and spices etc. horticultural crops are vital sources of minerals, vitamins and dietary fibers and thus play an important role in human nutritionenExtension EducationStudyA STUDY ON EXTENT OF ADOPTION OF RECOMMENDED AONLA PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY BY AONLA GROWERS OF KHEDA DISTRICT OF GUJARAT STATEThesis