R.K.PandaySanjay Kumar2024-07-042024-07-041998https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810211448The introduction of new technology in agriculture has brought about a significant increase in financial increase in financial requirement of the farmers, both for production and investment. With adoption of multiagency approach in agriculture, there has been considerable expansion of credit facilities .Quite a large number of branches have been opened in the rural areas with a view to help the farmers in adoption of modern farm technology. It has been notice that the amount earmarked for the agriculture sector does not reach all sections of the farming community. Thus the majority of the weaker section particularly tribal farmers were deprived of getting full advance age of institutional credit. Keeping the significance and importance of farm credit, the present study was conducted in two village namely Makhmandro and Murgu in Ratu Block of Ranchi district taking into account of the large concentration of institutional agencies engaged in farm financing to both categories of tribal and non tribal farmers. The results revealed that the percentage of borrower farmers from intuitional agencies were ranged from 42.86 to 47.83 and 52.17 to 57.14 percent of the total borrower farmers of all categories of tribal and nontribal farms respectively. It was found that the percentage of borrower farmers were higher in case of non tribal farmer as compared to tribal farms .It was obvious that non- tribal farmers were more conscious in getting farm loans than those of tribal farmers. The study showed that per farm , the amount of loan advanced by intuitional agencies were in order of Rs.3633.46, Rs.4569.47, Rs.3320.91 and Rs 4184.06, Rs.5428.25, Rs.4856.82 to marginal, small and medium size group of the tribal and non tribal farmers respectively. It was found that resourceful farmer ( non Tribal Farmers) were getting more loan as compared to poor farmers ( tribal farmers ) In the area under investigation. The result revealed that out of the total amount of the farmers loan advanced by institutional agencies about 10.87 and 15.08,per percent as a crop loan ( short term) and 33.46 and 40.59 percent as investment )(term loan) loans were borrowed by both categories of tribal and non tribal farm respectively . It was found that the percentage of borrowing of short term and term loans were higher in case of non tribal farms as compared to tribal farms. It was observed that the per hectare credit supplied by various institutional agencies were in order of Rs 7266.92, 4270.53, 1604.30 and Rs 7213.90,4639.53,2084.47 to different categories of marginal, small and medium size group of tribal and Non tribal farms respectively. It was found that per hectare loan borrowed by non tribal farms were higher as compared to tribal farms. The study indicates that the institutional agencies were taking more interest in financing non-tribal farms than the tribal farms. The study shows that per farm misutilisation of institutional loan were constituted about 2.35,1.26,1.06and 1.86,1.02,0.62 percent of the total borrowing by the various categories of marginal, small and medium size group of the tribal and non tribal farms respectively. It is evident that misutilisation of farm loan were higher on tribal farms as compared to non –tribal farms. It was found that per farm net return obtained were in order of Rs.3990.50,Rs 7655.34, Rs 9625.99 and Rs6054.01, Rs 8870.00, Rs.11,024.16 on marginal, small and medium size of the tribal and non tribal farms respectively. It was observed that the farm income was higher on non tribal farms as compared to tribal farms but higher on medium size group of tribal and non tribal farms than the higher size group of the farms. The result indicated that per hectare net return was found to be Rs.7981.00, 7154.52, 4650.24 and Rs,.10,437.95, 7581.20,4731.40 on marginal ,small and medium size group of the tribal and non tribal farms respectively. It was found that per hectare net return was also higher on non tribal farms than the tribal farms. It can be concluded that the impact of farm financing was much better on the economy of non tribal farms as compared to tribal farms. It was revealed that the most important farms financing constraint faced by the farmers were inadequate supply of farm loan by the institutional agencies. The next important constraint faced by the farmers were briberies, involved in obtaining farm loans .The other importer financial of the farmers lack of supervision and guidance lack of the timely supplied of the loan, high rate of interest and lack of communication.EnglishImpact of Institutional Finance On The Economy of Tribal And Non-Tribal Farms In Ranchi DistrictThesis