MOORTHY MSENTHIL KUMAR RAJ STANUVASKANNAN DSARAVANAN S2024-01-112024-01-112021 study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of disinfectants on microbial contamination, production performance, health status, frequency of disinfection to be used and its cost benefit in commercial layer farms. Six commercial layer farms were selected in Namakkal District. From each farm four sheds were selected and was numbered from one to four. Shed number one was control where no disinfection was done. Shed number two was disinfected with potassium monopersulfate (2500 ppm). Shed number three was disinfected with chlorine dioxide (200ppm) and shed number four was disinfected with garlic extract (2.5 %). Four cycles of disinfections were done with 14 days interval period between each disinfection. The birds reared in all the farms were in raised platform sheds. Feeding varied between farms and it was according to the age and production of the birds and general management was according to the poultry farm owners. For each disinfection, microbial contamination in shed environment in all the sheds was monitored by using plate exposure technique. MacConkey agar plates, Plate count agar plates and Sabauraud dextrose agar plates were used for monitoring coliform count, total count and mould count respectively. Two plates for each parameter were exposed before disinfection, on the day after disinfection, seventh day and 14th day after disinfection. This was repeated for all the four disinfections.EnglishEVALUATION OF DISINFECTANTS EFFICACY AND THEIR EFFECTS ON COMMERCIAL LAYERSThesis