GUPTA, DIVENDERSHARMA, DEEKSHA2019-08-032019-08-032019-07 The present investigations on “FRUIT FLY FAUNA OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND MANAGEMENT OF SOME OF THE MAJOR SPECIES” were conducted during 2013-2016. In the present study, during the survey of fruit flies in Himachal Pradesh, 10 species of tephritid fruit flies were recorded from different locations of Himachal Pradesh. Acidoxantha sp. was captured in methyl eugenol traps, which is a new record from Himachal Pradesh and B. nigrofemoralis was first reported from the host i.e. the infested peach from India. B. latifrons, was reported from infested fruits of Solanum nigrum (Makoi/Kalihari) which is a first record from Himachal Pradesh. The bio-efficacy trial conducted on cucumber, tomato and mango revealed application of lambda cyhalothrin @ 0.008 and 0.004% and spinosad (0.004%) proved effective in checking fruit fly infestation. Azadirachtin (0.02%) was comparable to the recommended insecticide i.e. malathion (0.1%) in checking the fruit fly infestation. Among five different woods, namely meranti, eucalyptus, deodar, plyboard and mango, plyboard traps (methyl eugenol based) showed better efficacy as reflected by highest fruit fly catch in the peach and mango orchards. When shapes were compared, rectangular cuboid plyboard traps performed better in comparison to square cuboid ones. When comparative efficacy of malathion and spinosad as an insecticide in methyl eugenol and cue-lure based traps were studied, it was observed that the spinosad based traps had better efficacy in fly trapping as compared with malathion in both types of attractant traps. In the laboratory studies, phloroglucinol 200 mM) when fed in the diet to B. tau and B. cucurbitae resulted in lowest oviposition. The ovaries were found clumped and the eggs laid were also deformed. Among different absorbent materials, initially no difference was observed in materials namely absorbent cotton, non-absorbent cotton and sponge, but later on after 5 days the results recorded in sponge based material were encouraging.ennullFRUIT FLY FAUNA OF HIMACHAL PRADESH AND MANAGEMENT OF SOME OF THE MAJOR SPECIESThesis