Jayakumar, K MSiby AntonyKAU2019-06-062019-06-062004http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810106961PGSixteen dogs with clinical signs suggestive of urinary tract disorders were subjected to ultrasonography and the physiological, and biochemical parameters were analysed. Urine samples from selected cases were subjected to culture and sensitivity and laboratory investigation were made for leptospirosis. The present study revealed a higher incidence of urinary tract disorders in male animals, with noticeably higher incidence in German Shepherd Dogs. The age of affected animals ranged from eight months to 15 years. Specific clinical signs observed were dysuria, anuria, stranguria, haematuria, pollakiuria and symptoms of uremia. Out of the sixteen cases of urinary tract disorders studied, four cases were of calculi in the urinary bladder and one of calculus in the renal pelvis which revealed hyperechoic foci with distal acoustic shadowing suggestive of calculi on ultrasound examination. One case of unilateral hydronephrosis evinced enlarged kidney with dilated pelvis and ureter and five cases of cystitis showed thickening of urinary bladder wall ultrasonographically. The four cases of nephritis turned positive for Leptospira antigen by sandwich dot ELISA and on ultrasonography, showed lack of cortico-medullary distinction with hyperechoic cortex. The case of chronic nephritis had shrunken kidneys with irregular margins and lack of cortico-medullary distinction with hyperechoic cortex. Haematological values showed leukocytosis with neutrophilia on the day of admission in cystic calculi, cystitis, nephritis and hydronephrosis. Urinalysis showed haematuria, pyuria and proteinuria as predominant findings in various cases. Serum biochemical values namely urea nitrogen, potassium and creatinine were highly elevated in cases of nephritis. The altered clinico-pathological picture tended to regain normalcy upon treatment of the respective cases. Efficacy of treatment in urinary tract disorders could be appreciated in subsequent sonographic examinations. The present study revealed that ultrasonography in conjunction with clinico-pathological and biochemical findings aided in an early diagnosis of urinary tract disorders in dogs.ennullUltrasonographic investigation of urinary tract diorders in dogsThesis