H, CHANDRASHEKARK C, MARJANA BEEGUM2016-10-222016-10-2241838Th-10816http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/81338Change in cropping pattern implies a change in proportion of area under different crops. The study aimed at analyzing the changes in cropping pattern in Kerala with the help of time series data for a period of 20 years from 1993-94 to 2012-13 and for four sub periods viz. Period I (1993-94 to 1997-98), period II (1998-99 to 2002-03), period III (2003-04 to 2007-08) and period IV (2008-09 to 2012-13) over districts of the state. Data are collected from the Department of Economics and Statistics, Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala state experienced declining trend in area under food crops while the area under cash crops increased during the study period. The state experienced diversified cropping pattern during last twenty years and the inference is supported by Kendall’s coefficient of concordance and rank correlation coefficient. Extent of diversification varies considerably across the districts, while some districts have highly diversified cropping pattern. Certain other districts have shown tendency to move towards specialization. Multiple regression analysis revealed that annual rainfall, number of market, road length and land holdings were the factors responsible for the changes in cropping pattern. Though the environmental factors are more congenial to diversify crops in the state, socio-economic factors do act as barriers in adopting diversified cropping pattern. On the other hand the development of infrastructure like road and markets facilitates to move towards specialization. Ginger, tapioca and sweet potato showed higher degree of maladjustment indicating that districts with higher area under these crops have registered lower productivity.encrops, area, cropping patterns, productivity, land resources, tillage equipment, yields, biological development, rice, fruitsTEMPORAL AND SPATIAL ANALYSIS OF CROPPING PATTERN IN KERALAThesis