Amit KarVikram Yogi2017-06-122017-06-122014 agricultural sector has undergone several significant changes since independence. Introduction of high yielding varieties associated with better package of practices, mechanization and diversification of the production system during the green revolution period have raised crop yield and farm income significantly. Haryana is one of the leading state where these transformations still continue. The conventional mode of agriculture through intensive agricultural practices was successful in achieving target of food production, but simultaneously led to degradation of natural resources and environment. Conservation agriculture can be seen as a new way for enhancing productivity and conserving resources in order to achieve the goal of sustainable agriculture. The study of existing scenario for various conservation agricultural practices and their economic feasibility shows that the zero tillage and laser levelling practice are most popular among the farmers. The adoption pattern shows that large farmer easily adopted the conservation agriculture compared to small and medium farmer. The comparative study of cost of cultivation of wheat found that cultivation under zero tillage was more profitable, due to lower cost incurred towards human labour, machine labour, seed and irrigation. Benefit cost ratio for wheat cultivation under zero tillage was 2.01 which was higher than other conventional agricultural practices which shows that it’s economically feasibile over others practices in study area. The Cobb-Douglas production function was used to analyze the allocative efficiency. Analysis shows that the allocative efficiency of wheat cultivation under zero tillage, rotavator and conventional mode were less than one, indicating resources were over utilized. The stochastic frontier production function analysis showed that the mean technical efficiency of wheat cultivation under zero tillage cultivation system was 96 per cent, under rotavator it was 95 per cent and in conventional method it was 94 per cent. It showed that if resources are optimally used than the gross return can be increased by 4, 5 and 6 percent in zero tillage, rotavator and conventional mode of wheat cultivation respectively. Economic efficiency in zero tillage was 62 per cent and it indicated that there is a scope to 67 increase the returns by 38 per cent with optimum allocation of resources. Economic efficiency was 52 per cent under rotavator and 34 per cent under conventional system of wheat cultivation. The determinants for practicing conservation agriculture in wheat were reduction in cost, higher income, and ownership of equipment, timely sowing, government promotion policy and subsidies. Availability of rotavator, high cost of machine and non availability of machine were major constraints of conservation agriculture in wheat among farmers in study area.en-USnullComparative economics of conservation versus conventional agricultural practices in HaryanThesis