Dr. H. SHIVANNAARUNKUMAR ASHTAGI B2018-06-212018-06-212015-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810054839The study was conducted at the college of Agricultural Hanumanammatti of Haveri District to assess the performance of ten year old shelterbelt trees with respect to girth, height, volume, biomass (above and below ground biomass) and carbon sequestration. Acacia auriculiformis, Azadirachta indica and Dalbergia sissoo were found to be superior over the other species with respect to growth performance. Acacia auriculiformis showed higher biomass production with higher above and below ground biomass of 103.19 ton/ha, 26.83 ton/ha at 120 months after planting respectively. At 132 months after planting (11 year old) above and below ground biomass production increased to 144.68 ton/ha, 37.62 ton/ha respectively; about 65.01 ton/ha and 91.15 ton/ha at 10 and 11 year old trees respectively in Acacia auriculiformis. Among the five tree species considered form factor ranged from 0.51 to 0.55. Highest tapering was observed in Pongamia pinnata followed by Tectona grandis and least was noticed in Acacia auriculiformis. This study suggests that Acacia auriculiformis, Azadirachta indica and Dalbergia sissoo, latter two species are preferred because of other advantages such as nitrogen fixation and traditional use as bio-pesticide.ennullCARBON SEQUESTRATION OF TEN YEAR OLD DIFFERENT TREE SPECIES PLANTED IN SHELTER BELT OF NORTHERN TRANSITIONAL ZONE OF KARNATAKAThesis