Dr. K.S.PrajapatiVADAVIYA RAJESHKUMAR A2017-07-252017-07-252008http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810026166The present study was conducted on 6-8 weeks old Wistar rats. Forty eight Wistar rats divided in to four different groups with equal numbers of male and female. Group I was served as vehicle control. Group II, III and IV were administered with 5, 20 and 40 mg of CsA per kg body weight daily once by oral intubation for 28 days. All the animals were monitored for any observable toxic symptoms and mortality throughout the experimental period. All the animals were weighed weekly to monitor body weight gain. The food consumption was also measured once a week. After completion of 28 days of administration of CsA the blood samples were collected from sublingual vein for haematological, biochemical and immunological investigations where as urine was collected for urine analysis. After terminal sacrifice all the animals were subjected to necropsy and organsenVeterinary PathologyStudySTUDIES ON TOXICOIMMUNOPATHOLOGY OF CYCLOSPORIN A IN WISTAR RATS”Thesis