Haque, FazlaulBhattacharyya, RUPASRI2023-03-292023-03-291988https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810195911STUDIES ON INDUCED GENETIC VARIABILITY IN BLACKGRAMThe success of breeding programme in a crop in dependent upon sufficient genetic variability for the characters under selection. Sufficient variability in a species can be created through induction of mutations. Backgram (imamunce L. Hepper is one of the most important pulse crops in India. Lack of sufficient genetic variability has been one of the major bottlenecks in the improvement of this crop. In the present investigation, dry and healthy seeds from M₂ generation of two varieties vin.. T-9 and No.55 of blackgram which were treated with 0.1% DIS (4 hrs), 0.2% EMS (4 hrs), 0.1% des (4 hrs), 0.2% dzs (4 hrs) and 0.1% 5S (2 hrs) + 0.2% des (2 hrs) respectively were used to study the induced genetic variability in blackgram. In order to study the induced genetic variability on various quantitative traits, mean, phenotypic variance, standard error of mean, genotypic variance, heritability in broad sense and co-efficient of variability were measured. In general there was increase variability for different quantitative traits in the treated populations of both the varieties as compared to control. Increase genetic variability and heritability were observed in different doses of mutagen for different quantitative characters. There was increase in co-efficient of variability for almost all the characters as compared to their respective controls. Different doses of these two chemical mutagens were required to increase variability for different quantitative characters in both the varieties. This suggests the need to study variability in different quantitative characters in a variety with different doses of chemical mutagens and their combined effect. It may, therefore, be suggested that in case of variety T-9, plant height in 0.1% dEs treatment, number of secondary branches per plant in 0.2% is treatment, number of pods per cluster in 0.1% dEs treatment, pod length in 0.1% MS treatment, number of seeds per pod in 0.2% 4Es treatment, 100-seed weight in 0.1% des treatment and seed yield in combined treatment are suit able for selection, whereas in case of No.55 only two characters vis. days to maturity in 0.2% dEs treatment and number of clusters per plant in 0.1% EMS treatment are suitable for selection.EnglishSTUDIES ON INDUCED GENETIC VARIABILITY IN BLACKGRAMThesis