Kubsad, V.S.Lankeppanavar, Shilpa2020-02-282020-02-282016-06http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810143939A field experiment was conducted on intercropping of forage sweet sorghum with forage legumes (cowpea and horsegram) under different nitrogen levels at AICRP on Sorghum, MARS, Dharwad during kharif 2015. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with fifteen treatment combinations consisting of sole and intercropping systems and two nitrogen levels and three replications. Significantly higher sorghum green and dry forage yield (47.25 and 12.80 t ha-1 respectively) was recorded in sole forage sweet sorghum with 100 % RDN. Among the intercropping systems, sweet sorghum + horsegram (2:1) with 100 % RDN recorded significantly higher sorghum green and dry forage yield (42.36 and 12.80 t ha-1 respectively). Among the legumes, significantly higher green and dry forage yield (25.28 and 4.93 t ha-1 respectively) was recorded in sole forage cowpea with 100 % RDN. In intercropping systems, sweet sorghum + cowpea (2:2) with 100 % RDN recoded significantly higher green and dry legume forage yield (15.51 and 3.03 t ha-1 respectively). These yield advantages are due to better growth and yield attributes. Sweet sorghum + horsegram (2:1) with 100 % RDN recorded significantly higher total green and dry forage yield (49.08 and 12.81 t ha-1 respectively) and LER (1.36). The forage quality parameters viz., crude protein (923.0 kg ha-1), crude fibre (4,216.3 kg ha-1), total ash (1,220.6 kg ha-1), ether extract (327.0 kg ha-1), nitrogen free extract (6,126.4 kg ha-1), total carbohydrates (10,342.7 kg ha-1) and organic matter (11,592.7 kg ha-1) are also significantly higher with same treatment. It also realized highest gross returns (₹ 45,519 ha-1), net returns (₹ 21,730 ha-1) and B: C ratio (1.91) as compared to others.ennullIntercropping of Forage Sweet Sorghum with Forage Legumes Under Different Nitrogen LevelsThesis