Ansari, M.A.Saklani, Tanya2019-01-302019-01-302018-06 have emerged as a focal point of technology transfer through their diverse activities like OFT, FLD, capacity building, updating knowledge & skills of extension personnel and farmers. Studies have indicated limited success of KVKs in terms of impact on the intended beneficiaries. As the number of KVKs continues to grow, the quality of performance becomes the prime concern to understand factors which contribute to the success or failure of KVKs. In order to fulfil the objectives of all the activities performed by a KVK, it is very important to find out how the farmers actually perceive the services offered by KVK, their level of satisfaction with them and whether or not the services are useful for them. Moreover, it is also essential to find out which services and methodologies are perceived to be more effective by the farmers. Thus, keeping the above in view, the present study was taken up to find out the socio-economic and communication characteristics of the farmers along with their perception about the extension services of KVKs. Relationship between the socio-economic, communication and psychological characteristics of the farmers with their perception about the services offered by KVKs were studied along with constraints faced by them in availing those services. The study was conducted in Uttarakhand. With Two KVKs (KVK Bharsar and KVK Jeolikote), four villages were selected (two from each KVK) following Simple Random Sampling. A total of 120 respondents were selected through PPS method. Analytical research design was used for the study. A pre-tested interview schedule was used to collect data. Appropriate statistical techniques were used to analyze the data for meaningful interpretation. Findings of the study revealed that the majority of the respondents were female (55%), middle aged (74.16%), had secondary level of education (38%), belonged to medium sized family (46.66%), had marginal land holdings (55.83%), belonged to medium income group (66.66%), had medium level of media exposure (60%), had low social participation (50%), possessed medium level of information seeking behaviour, had medium level of risk orientation (54.16%), had medium level of economic motivation (85%) and had medium level of innovativeness (76.66%). The overall perception of the farmers about extension services of KVKs was found to be favourable (77.50%) as most of the respondents had favourable perception about trainings, Front line demonstrations (FLDs), instructional facilities and advisory services. However, majority of the farmers had an unfavourable perception regarding On-farm trials (OFTs). Variables like mass media exposure and information seeking behaviour had a positive and significant relationship with farmers’ perception while land holding had a negative and significant relationship with the same at one percent level of significance. Other variables like age, education, family size, annual income, social participation, risk orientation and economic motivation had a positive but non-significant relationship while innovativeness had a negative and non-significant relationship with the perception of the farmers. The major constraints faced by the respondents in utilization of KVK services were small-sized land holdings, lack of transport, lack of finances, lack of follow-up activities by KVK staff, non assessment of needs, lack of sincerity among the farmers, inability of womenfolk to go for on-campus trainings, lack of proper publicity by KVK and improper working of SHGs and women’s clubs in the village. The findings of the study shall help the extension administrators, planners and extension personnel to design and develop effective strategies which are need based and are actually gainful for the farmers in true sense.ennullA study on farmers’ perception about extension services of KVKs in UttarakhandThesis