Kulbir SinghTejpreet Kaur2018-12-022018-12-022018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810085049A field experiment was conducted to standardize best date of sowing and growing conditions to obtain good crop establishment and growth, quality fruit production along with high early and total yield in chilli at Vegetable Research Farm and Biochemical Laboratory, Department of Vegetable Science, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana during 2016-17 and 2017-18. Experiment was laid in split plot design and was replicated thrice. Hybrid CH-27 comprised the plant material. The experiment comprised of three main plot treatments viz., M1 (polythene mulch black), M2 (straw mulch) and M3 (no mulch) and six sub plot treatments which include T1 (30th November transplanting), T2 (15th December transplanting) T3 (30th December transplanting), T4 (15th January transplanting), T5 (30th January transplanting) all under low tunnel and T6 (15th February transplanting under open field). Transplanting done under mulch conditions and low tunnels modifies plant microclimate enabling them to enhance their growth with maximum plant growth under polythene sheet (black) mulch and 15th December transplanting. Number of primary branches, fruit length (cm), fruit weight (g) and fruit number per plant were maximum with M1 treatment. Fruit yield g plant-1 under polythene sheet (black) mulch was 35.2% and 32.4% more from no mulch conditions during both the trials. The maximum early yield and total yield was obtained under plots transplanted on 30th November which was statistically at par with 15th December transplanting. Thus, it can be concluded from the present investigation that to get higher early yield of chilli the crop should be raised under low tunnels on 30th November with application of black polythene mulch and cost: benefit ratio of 1:4.62.ennullYield and quality of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) as affected by dates of planting and mulching under low tunnelThesis