Bikram SinghPandey, Shesh Nath2019-04-242019-04-242018 field experiment entitled “Comparative performance of different mechanized weed control operations in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.)” was conducted at Regional Research Station, Bawal, Rewari of CCS Haryana Agricultural University during kharif 2017. The experiment was conducted in randomized block design with three replications and 12 treatments. Major weed species infesting the experimental field consisted of Cyperus rotundus (42%), Trianthema partulacastrum (26%) and Digera arvensis (17%) at 20 days after sowing. Among various weed control treatments, recommended manual weed control techniques for pearl millet i.e., T1 (sowing at 45 cm row spacing and interculture with kasola at 22 and 33 DAS) and T2 (sowing at 45 cm row spacing and interculture with wheel hand hoe at 22 and 33 DAS) recorded the lower weed density (No m-2) and dry matter (g m- 2) compared to mechanized interculture operation i.e., T7 (sowing at 60 cm row spacing and interculture with tractor drawn cultivator at 17 and 27 DAS), T8 (sowing at 60 cm row spacing and interculture with power weeder at 17 and 27 DAS) and other treatments under study except both weed free treatments (T10 with 45 cm row spacing and T12 with 60 cm row spacing). Weed control efficiency was higher at 40 DAS and maturity under T1 (92.5 and 89.1%) and T2 (89.9 and 85.8%) over T8 (88.2 and 84.6%) and T7 (86.4 and 82.8%), respectively, except both weed free treatments (T10 and T12). Whereas, growth parameters viz. plant height (cm) and leaf area index values at 40, 60 DAS and maturity were better in T1 and T2 than T7, T8 and other treatments except both weed free treatments. However T1 and T2 exhibited the lower dry matter accumulation (g plant-1) than T7, T8 and other treatments except both weedy check (T9 and T11) at 40, 60 DAS and maturity. Treatment T7 and T8 recorded better yield attributes namely number of effective tillers per plant, test weight (g) and ear head girth (cm) over T1, T2 and other treatments except T12, and reverse trend was observed with respect to ear head length (cm). However, grain yield (q ha-1) was slightly better under T1 and T2 over T7 and T8 which was higher by margin of 4.5 and 3.8%; and 1.2 and 0.5%, respectively and these treatments were statistically at par. Although, in economic term T7 recorded the maximum net monetary returns (Rs 23778 ha-1) and B:C ratio (1.80) over other treatments and fetched an additional net monetary returns of Rs 1155 ha-1 over T8.ennullComparative performance of different mechanized weed control operations in pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.)Thesis