Vyas, K. N.PANCHAL, K. M.2018-06-212018-06-211988http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810054897Present work on suspensory ligament in the limbs comprised of gross, histological and histochemical study in the adult Kankrej cow, adult Surti buffalo, Kankrej calf and Surti buffalo calf. The gross study was made by dissecting the limbs below carpus and below tarsus. Length and width of all the divisions of the suspensory ligament were measured. Length : Width ratio was obtained.enANATOMYA STUDYGROSS, HISTOLOGICAL AND HISTOCHEMICAL OBSERVATIONS ON SUSPENSORY LIGAMENTS IN THE LIMBS OF THE OX ( Bos indicus) AND THE BUFFALO (Bubalus bubalis)Thesis