Jangre, NishaMinz, AlkaSharma, Praveen KumarPanigrahi, H.K.Porte, S.S.Saxena, R.R.2021-11-272021-11-272021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810178380IMPACT OF FOLIAR SPRAY OF MICRO-NUTRIENTS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF BROCCOLI (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) UNDER POLY HOUSE CONDITIONThe Present investigation entitled “Impact of foliar spray of micronutrients on growth, yield and quality of broccoli (Brassica oleraceae L.var. Italica) under polyhouse condition” was conducted during Rabi season 2020-21 under department of Vegetable Science at “Center of Excellence on Protected Cultivation and Precision Farming”, IGKV, Raipur (C.G.). The experiment consisting of 10 treatments viz., copper sulphate @ 0.20 %, copper sulphate @ 0.40 %, copper sulphate @ 0.60 %, boric acid @ 0.20 %, boric acid @ 0.40 %, boric acid @ 0.60%, zinc sulphate @ 0.20 %, zinc sulphate @ 0.40 % and zinc sulphate @ 0.60 %. Experiment was carried out with Completely randomized design with ten treatments and three replications. All the treatments exhibited superior growth, yield and quality of broccoli. Treatments T9 -zinc sulphate @ 0.60% found highly effective for growth and quality parameter as it showed greatest plant height (66.81cm), no. of leaves (26.47), stalk length (18.22 cm), root length (16.06 cm), ascorbic acid content (86.44 mg) and total soluble solid (7.74%) while T5- boric acid @ 0.40% was found superior to days to first curd induction, 50% maturity and harvest of curd. The T5- boric acid @ 0.40% was found highly effective for yield attributing as it showed highest curd yield plant-1(326.46 g), yield plot-1 (6.29 kg), yield ha-1 (157.24 q), curd diameter (17.57 cm), fresh weight of plant (901.98 g), dry weight of plant (104.22 g), fresh weight of curd (326.46 g) and dry weight of curd (36.51g). Economic study of broccoli showed that highest cost of cultivation (Rs 180735 ha-1) with T3-copper sulphate @ 0.60% while maximum gross income (Rs 471720 ha-1), net income (Rs 292325 ha-1) and B:C ratio (2.62) was observed with T5- boric acid @ 0.40%.EnglishIMPACT OF FOLIAR SPRAY OF MICRO-NUTRIENTS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF BROCCOLI (Brassica oleracea L. var. Italica) UNDER POLY HOUSE CONDITIONThesis