P.C. AgrawalBaidhya Nath Sahu2023-11-082023-11-081989https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810200741Twenty varieties of bread wheat ( T. aestivum L.) were grown during Rabi season 1986-87 in the randomized block design under three replication and medium fertility levels. One meter row lengths of plants were randomly selected for recording observations on germination count, leaf area, dry matter accumulation, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate and leaf area ratio. Ten mother shoots were randomly selected for recording observations on plant height, length of ear, and number of grains per ear and grain weight per ear. Observations on number of ear, ear weight and grain yield were recorded from one square meter randomly selected units. Leaf area increased markedly in all the varieties up to 40 DAS when the observations were terminated. In general, the early maturing varieties like BW 11, HUW 234, HP 1209, etc. had a larger leaf area to start with and this difference persisted up to 40 DAS, though with a decreasing magnitude. The yield was found positively and significantly correlated with leaf area. A similar trend was observed with dry matter accumulation. The varieties with larger leaf area showed higher dry matter accumulation and was also found positively correlated with yield. The variety BW 11 proved the best with regard to these two characters. It was on par with HUW 234 and HD 2402 d th regard to leaf area (40 DAS) HUM 234, HD 2402 HD 2385. DL 233-7 HP 1209 HDR 43. HI 1114 and Sonalika for dry matter accumulation (40 DAS).EnglishEvaluation Of Different Wheat Genotypes On Physiological Parameters For Higher YieldThesis