SatyavanSarita Rani2019-06-242019-06-242019 present investigation entitled “Integrated nutrient management for pearl millet-wheat cropping system under saline conditions” was conducted at Research Farm of Department of Soil Science, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar during kharif and rabi seasons of 2016-17 and 2017-18 with the objective to find out the effect of various INM treatments on growth, yield attributes and yield, soil properties and microbial count of pearl millet-wheat cropping system under saline conditions. The experiment consisting of 12 different treatments i.e T1: Control, T2: 75% RDF, T3: RDF, T4: 125% RDF, T5: 75% RDF+BGS+ST-3, T6: RDF+BGS+ST-3, T7: 75% RDF+VC+ST-3, T8: RDF+VC+ST-3, T9: 75% RDF+FYM+Biomix, T10: RDF+FYM+Biomix, T11: 75% RDF+VC+Biomix and T12: RDF+VC+Biomix was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. Both the crops were irrigated with saline water of ECiw 7.5-8.0 dS/m. Plant height, dry matter accumulation, growth indices, yield attributing traits and yield were significantly superior in both the crops in T10 treatment than T1 and T3 treatments. Maximum grain yield, stover yield and biological yield of pearl millet (35.4, 93.2 and 128.6 q/ha) were achieved by T10 treatment, which showed increase of 13.5%, 7.88% and 9.35%, respectively over the RDF (T3). The same treatment (T10) out yielded the wheat yield among all treatments during both the rabi seasons and recorded 12.14%, 9.21% and 10.38% higher grain, straw and biological yield over RDF (T3) treatment, respectively. The T10 treatment exhibited highest NPK content and uptake in both the crops during both the seasons, which was followed by T12 (RDF+VC+Biomix), T8 (RDF+VC+ST-3) and T6 (RDF+BGS+ST-3) treatments, respectively. The soil EC and pH were decreased by the FYM, VC and BGS applied treatments when compared with control (untreated) under saline conditions. These organic manures improved available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium of soils than the control and sole RDF receiving plots. Soil microbial count including Azotobacter, Azospirillum and PSB viable cell count were improved by the application of organic manures and Biomix or Azotobacter chroococcum (ST-3) than the control and sole RDF treatments. The findings of the experiment revealed that the use FYM, VC and BGS along with chemical fertilizers (75% RDF and RDF) and seed treatment with single strain of Azotobacter chroococcum (ST-3) or with Biomix (triple strains of Azotobacter+Azospirillum+PSB) were effectively improved the crop growth and yields of pearl millet-wheat cropping system irrigated with saline water.ennullIntegrated nutrient management for pearl millet-wheat cropping system under saline conditionsThesis