Patel, B. N.Patel, Naresh R.2018-04-162018-04-161993 on effect of interaction between chlorotic mottle virus and root-knot nematode (Meloldogyne spp.) on growth and chemical constituents of bidi tobacco as well as on nematode populations were carried out. With a view to locate source of resistance/tolerance, evaluation of Nicotiana species for chlorotic mottle virus infection under artificially inoculated conditions was also done. Combined infection with chlorotic mottle virus and root-knot nematode had considerably lowered all the growth parameters, viz., leaf number, plant height, leaf length and width, leaf thickness, green and cured leaf weight and green and dry stem weight when compared with control or single infection with either pathogen. Fresh and dry root weight was, however, Increased due to nematode infection. Simultaneous infection with chlorotic mottle virus and root-knot nematode exhibited more severe impact on all growth parameters as compared to the single infections thus indicating that these pathogens had synergistic effect on growth of bidi tobacco Root-knot index as well as nematode populations in the Boll end roots were Increased significantly In the treatment having simultaneous infection of virus and nematode when compared with single Infection of nematode. Root-knot index and nematode populations were also found to be increased in the treatments where nematode inoculations proceeded virus inoculations. Chemical constituents, viz., protein nitrogen, total nitrogen end nicotine were reduced whereas total sugars were elevated either by chlorotic mottle virus or root-knot nematode infection. Interaction between the two pathogens on the plants, however, resulted In considerable 'reduction of protein nitrogen, total nitrogen and nicotine and a greater improvement in total sugars contents over singly Infected plants with either pathogen. Screening of Nicotiana species revealed that variability existed among them for chlorotic mottle virus Infection. Out of fifteen Nicotiana species evaluated, N. glauca graham, N. nudicaulis Wats., N. trigonophylla Dun. and N. benthamiana domain remained free from infection under artificially inoculated conditions and were considered as highly resistant to chlorotic mottle disease.enPlant Pathology, AgricultureA StudyINTERACTION BETWEEN CHLOROTIC MOTTLE VIRUS AND ROOT-KNOT NEMATODE ON GROWTH AND CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS OF BIDI TOBACCOThesis