Neena, JoshiGOPIKA, C. MUTTAGI2017-06-272017-06-272009-07-15Th-9479 is a major oilseed crop in India. However, its kernels are underutilized. An evaluation of sunflower kernels was undertaken to determine their suitability for table purpose. Three varieties of sunflower namely, KBSH 44, KBSH 41 and Confectionery-1 were evaluated. The kernels were dehulled by agitating the seeds in a mixer using disc type blade. This method was found suitable for dehulling at laboratory level. Physicochemical characteristics were assessed. Five products namely, chikki, caramel, butter spicy snacks and hurigalu were standardized with sunflower either 100 per cent or 50 per cent substitution with groundnut. Groundnut was included as reference throughout the study. Shelf life of two products namely, chikki and butter were evaluated. The solubility, swelling power, water and oil absorption capacities of sunflower seeds were found to be similar to groundnut. Per 100g of sample moisture content ranged from 3.13 to 5.2g, protein 19.78 to 26.69g, crude fat 40.3 to 54.06g, energy value 555.8 to 624.43 K cal, carbohydrate content 14.72 to 27.36g, and crude fibre 2.86 to 4.30g. Ash and minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, iron and zinc ranged from 2.34 to 3.92g, 60.79 to 84.59mg, 296.7 to 670.49mg, 3.31 to 4.76mg and 2.98 to 4.05mg/100g respectively. Total sugars and tannic acid content ranged between 2.36 to 3.04g/100g and 30.91 to 44.16mg/100g. Significant difference existed between the varieties for all nutrients. Per cent free fatty acid and peroxide values were higher in groundnut and KBSH 41 compared to rest. All the products were accepted by panel of semi trained judges (n=20). Nutritional value of products improved due to addition of sunflower kernels. Stored products showed good shelf life in laminated pouches and glass jar. Peroxide value and free fatty acid content of stored products were within the safe value.ennullEVALUATION OF SUNFLOWER SEED KERNELS FOR PREPARING SHELF STABLE ADDED VALUE FOOD PRODUCTSThesis