KRISHNAMANOHAR, R.YATHINDRA, H. A.2017-03-062017-03-062012-09-13Th-10378 the growth parameters, significantly highest plant height (117.72cm), maximum leaf length (36.96cm), leaf width (16.14cm), number of leaves (75.77), number of suckers (13.88) and plant spread (9787cm2) were recorded at 16th month after imposition of treatment in plants receiving 80 per cent RDF through fertigation, organic source of nutrients like Vermicompost (300g) along with different bio-fertilizers such as Azotobacter, PSB and KMB (T11), whereas least observations were recorded (73.93cm, 29.68cm, 10.94 cm, 34.33, 5.22 and 3361.67 cm2 respectively) in plants received 100 per cent RDF as normal fertilizers through soil application (T1). Treatment T11 showed early flower bud initiation (24.11 days), took significantly least number of days for full flower opening (21.44 days), maximum thickness of stalk at neck (2.12cm) and at base (1.79cm), number of florets per spike (6.88), longest flower stalk length (116.06cm), length of spike (23.95cm), maximum weight of the inflorescence (284.45g), more number of flowers (spikes) per plant per sixteen months (50.22) and number of flowers (spikes) per hectare per sixteen months (3.48 lakh flowers) over control and was found to be significant. Significantly longer vase life (17.00 days), higher water uptake (105.10g), higher water loss (107.81g) and more number of florets was recorded in treatment T11. Results of soil analysis showed significantly maximum available soil nutrients (334.33 and 63.67 kg/ha N and P2O5) in treatment T11, whereas maximum K2O (269.00Kg/ha) was recorded in treatment T9 (80% RDF (WSF) + Vc (300g) + Azatobactor (2g) + KMB (2g) + PSB (2g) respectively). Leaf analysis showed significantly maximum per cent of nutrients (2.44%N, 0.43%P and 2.74%K) in T11 treatment. whereas minimum per cent of N,P,K was recorded in treatment T1. Highest net returns for a period of sixteen months was maximum (Rs.8,48,105) with a cost benefit ratio of 1:1.38 in the treatment T11.ennullEFFECT OF INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF BIRD OF PARADISE [Strelitzia reginae (L.)].Thesis