Grakh, S.S.Kurkan, Sachin2016-12-022016-12-022005 the present investigation, Forty three genotypes of different maturity groups of non scented rice and five scented dwarf rice genotypes selected to carry out present study were planted in four different environments at RRS Kaul with four different doses of fertilizers viz., E1 : 120N, 60 P2O5, 60 K2O; E2: 120N, 0 P2O5, 0 K2O; E3: 120N, 60 P2O5, 0 K2O and E4: 120N, 0 P2O5, 60 K2O. These genotypes were transplanted in a Randomized Block Design with four replications with a spacing of 20cm x 15 cm. Five randomly selected plants from the population of each genotypes were taken for the recording of the data. Significant differences existed among the genotypes for all the characters studied under the four environments which indicated the presence of adequate variability among the genotypes. The genetic expression in most of the cases changed with the change in the environment. On the basis of mean performance for different traits, E1 appeared to be better environment. Mean performance in E1 and E2 clearly indicated the importance of balanced use of fertilizers for the expression of different traits. The E2 had lowering effect on the expression of h2, GA, GCV and PCV. In general the magnitude of genotypic correlation was slightly higher than the phenotypic correlation for all the characters studied indicating strong inherent association among the characters. The path coefficient analysis showed that no. of tillers/plant had the highest positive direct effect on grain yield except in environment E4 where the grain length had the highest positive direct effect on grain yield. The traits L/B ratio showed the highest negative direct effect in all the environments. The indirect effect did not show any specific trend.enStudies on genetic variability of yield components and their relative contribution to grain yield in rice (Oryza sativa L.)Thesis