Sharma, RajniMamta2024-01-032024-01-032021Mamta (2021) Effect of inorganic fertilizers and bioinoculants on biochemical components, growth, yield of garlic (Allium Sativum L.) and nutrient status of soil (Unpublished M.Sc. thesis). Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana, Punjab, India. (Allium sativum L.) is an economically important vegetable crop which is used worldwide for culinary and medicinal purposes. The present study was conducted on garlic variety “PG-18” in a randomized block design during 2019- 2020. There were nine treatments which included various percentages of inorganic fertilizers (100% NPK, 75% NPK and 50% NPK) in combination with bioinoculants (consortium I and consortium II). Results reveals that supplementation of 75% NPK along with bioinoculants (consortium I or consortium II) gave the superior results than control (100% NPK) for most of traits such as plant growth parameters (plant height, leaf length, leaf width, pseudostem length and bulb diameter), yield attributes (total yield, marketable yield, 50 cloves weight and number of cloves) and biochemical parameters (total soluble sugars, reducing sugars, total phenols and total soluble solids). Moreover, nutrient content (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) of leaves and bulbs of garlic increased by combined inoculation of different combinations of NPK along with bioinoculants. Integrated application of inorganic fertilizers along with bioinoculants improved soil’s physico-chemical (pH and organic carbon) and biological (dehydrogenase activity) properties. Most of the parameters i.e. plant growth, total yield, nutrient, biochemical and soil properties decreased when the dose of 50% NPK supplemented with bioinoculants. Therefore, it can be concluded that integrated utilization of these bioinoculants along with 75% NPK improves soil health and it also offers scope of reducing the application of inorganic fertilizers to garlic crop by 25% without any loss in bulb yield.EnglishEffect of inorganic fertilizers and bioinoculants on biochemical components, growth, yield of garlic (Allium Sativum L.) and nutrient status of soilThesis