RANA, VISHAL STHAKUR, SHIVANI2023-01-272023-01-272022-12https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810192827ABSTRACT The present investigation entitled “Comparative evaluation and standardization of maturity indices for promising plum (Prunus salicina Lindl.) cultivars in Kullu valley of Himachal Pradesh” was carried out at the experimental orchard at Regional Horticulture and Training Station, Bajaura, Kullu (HP). The experiment was laid out on 10-12 years old uniform plants of different plum cultivars according to Randomized Block Design (RBD). The entire program of study was categorized into three experiments with a view to study pattern of fruit growth, comparative performance and standardization of harvest maturity for promising plum cultivars. It was revealed that plum cultivars followed a double sigmoidal growth pattern which can be divided into three distinct phases, viz; Phase-I representing with rapid growth (20-60 DAFS), Phase –II of slow growth (60-80 DAFS), and phase –III indicating a period of final swell and faster growth, followed by a depressed growth till ripening which varied according to different cultivars. On the basis of two year observations the cultivars Satluj Purple and Red Beaut were categorized as early; Santa Rosa, Black Amber and Mariposa as mid; Friar, Frontier and Shiro as late blooming cultivars. Furthermore, the optimum harvest dates cultivars for Black Amber and Mariposa was noted at 120 DFFB, Friar at 116 DFFB, Santa Rosa at 104 DFFB , Frontier at 103 DFFB, Shiro at 96 DFFB and Red Beaut at 94 DFFB. On these harvest dates the fruits of these cultivars attained the best possible physico-chemical characters including sensory appeal. Among different maturity indices fruit colour, DFFB, TSS and sugar acid ratio were found to be the reliable maturity indices for the harvesting of plum.EnglishCOMPARATIVE EVALUATION AND STANDARDIZATION OF MATURITY INDICES FOR PROMISING PLUM (Prunus salicina Lindl.) CULTIVARS IN KULLU VALLEY OF HIMACHAL PRADESHThesis