Konde, Dr. N. M.DAS, JAYANTA.2020-05-232020-05-232019-07-23DAS, JAYANTA. (2019). Assesment of soil biological properties under conservation agriculture management practices in shrink swell soils. Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. M. Sc. 2019. Print. xii, 93p. (Unpublished).http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810146300The field experiment was conducted in farmer's field of three village's viz., Sukali, Alanda and Nimbhara under Barshi takali tehsil during 2018-19 in order to study the soil biological properties under conservation agriculture management practices in shrink swell soils. Total ten number of farmers have been selected for experimental trial. Each farmer has been treated as single treatment and each sample collected from a treatment has been treated as single replication. Thus ten treatments with three replications were under taken with a randomized block design.The present investigation was conducted during 2018-19 with a view to study the “Assessment of soil biological properties under conservation agriculture management practices in shrink swell soils” at three villages of Barshi Takali tehsil, viz. Sukali, Alanda and Nimbhara in Akola (Maharashtra) during Kharif 2018-19 with an objectives to study the soil biological properties under conservation agriculture management practices in shrink swell soils and to assess the correlation of soil biological properties with management practices and yield of crop. The experiment was carried out at farmer fields where ten farmers have been selected. Each farmer has been practicing conservation agricultural practices since last many years except one farmer who has been practicing conventional agriculture practices regularly. All the ten farmers have been treated as single treatment with differentiations of not practicing ploughing at their respective field and each treatment has three replications. The soil samples were collected initially before sowing of soybean crop in the month of May 2018 and after harvest at the month of October 2018 and analyzed for physical and chemical properties. For soil biological properties the soil samples were collected 45 to 55 DAS at grand growth stage of crop and immediately analyzed for estimation of different soil biological parameters. In the present study, highly variable trend in respect of soil biological properties viz., soil microbial population, SMBC and CO2 evolution were observed where conservation agriculture practice was followed since last 15 years and the lowest was observed in the field where regular ploughing was practices each year. The soil physical properties like- BD, MWD, HC and Soil moisture were significantly improved where conservation agriculture management practices were followed since last 15 years. The residual fertility of soil in respect of available N,P,K and sulphur were enhanced under conservation agricultural practices. Significant trend in soil fertility was investigated in conservation field as compare to conventional field where ploughing was practiced regularly. Hence, it is concluded that the consistent adoption of conservation agricultural practices supported well to enhance the soil health parameters and also noted significant change in yield of soybean. Therefore, adoption of conservation agriculture practices is advisable for long term sustainability of soil in rainfed agriculture.enASSESMENT OF SOIL BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES UNDER CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN SHRINK SWELL SOILSThesis