Saikia, B. N.MORUNG, DANGSHAWA2022-06-272022-06-272022-01 experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of feeding nano-Fe on growth performance and nutrient utilization in grower pigs. Twenty four (N=24) weaned pigs of HDK-75 having average body weight 21.50±0.38 kg of above two months of age irrespective of sex were selected from AICRP pig farm, College of Veterinary Science, Khanapara, Guwahati-22. Selected pigs were randomly allotted in four treatment groups, each group with 6 pigs on body weight basis. The treatment groups were T0 (Control), T1 (100 mg inorganic iron as FeSO4), T2 (75 mg organic iron as methio-chelated) and T3 (50 mg nano iron as FePO4). The basal diet was prepared according to NRC (2012) recommendation for grower pigs. The feeding trial was conducted for 90 days. Result of the study showed that in average fortnightly body weight change, significant difference (P0.05) among the different treatment groups. However, FCR showed significant difference (P0.05) observed for platelet, WBC, lymphocyte, monocyte and granulocyte count. In blood biochemical parameters, serum protein and serum iron was found significantly (P0.05) observed for blood glucose, albumin, globulin, A: G, AST, ALT and BUN but all the values were found within normal physiological range in the present study, thus supplementation of nano-Fe @ 50mg per kg of diet improves overall growth performance of experimental pig (HDK- 75) without adverse effect.EnglishEFFECT OF FEEDING NANO-IRON ON GROWTH PERFORMANCE AND NUTRIENT UTILIZATION IN GROWER PIGSThesis