Kumar, KSathymoorthy, ORKumary, UshaHemalatha, STANUVAS2020-07-272020-07-272018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810149871TNV_TH_MVM 16028_2018Gross and microanatomical studies of the ovary in buffalo was carried out in two different age groups viz., Group I (four to six year- old) and Group II (seven to nine year- old). Six animals from each group were utilized for the research work. The gross anatomical parameters like weight, length and width were measured. The tissue samples were collected and fixed in different fixatives for routine paraffin embedding. The paraffin sections of 5-6μm thickness were used for routine and special staining techniques. The ovary of buffalo was an ovoid and relatively dense structure. The ovarian surface presented follicles and corpus luteum of different sizes at different stages of their development and regression. There was no significant difference between the weight and length of ovaries between two age groups.enVeterinary ScienceGROSS AND MICROANATOMICAL STUDIES OF OVARY OF BUFFALO (Bubalus bubalis)Thesis