Duhan, KrishnaPinki2019-02-142019-02-142018http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810095033Academic stress is a mental discomfort with respect to some expected frustration related with academic failure. Parents which serves as first school for the child appears to be an important source of rising expectation, therefore the study was conducted to examine the relationship of socio-personal variables, parental aspiration and academic resilience with academic stress. The study was undertaken in Hisar district of Haryana state in govt. and private schools of Hisar city and Kharkara village on 200 adolescents of arts and science stream. The sample represents equal number of boys and girls ranging in 16-18 years of age group comprising equal sample size with regards to area of residence and stream of education. Parental aspiration scale by Grover and Grover (1987) was used to assess perceived parental aspiration of respondents, academic resilience scale by Mallick and Kaur (2015) was used to assess academic resilience, mental health inventory by Jagdish and Shrivastva (1983) to assess mental health and academic stress scale by Rao (2012) was used to assess academic stress of respondents. The finding elucidates that urban respondents perceived higher parental aspiration and had more academic resilience than rural respondents. The results further highlighted that female respondents perceived higher parental aspiration and had low academic resilience than their counterparts. With regards to mental health, results portray better mental health of urban respondents than rural respondents. Results further revealed that urban respondents face more academic stress than rural respondents. Results further pinpointed that ordinal position, occupation of mother, parent’s income and academic resilience of the respondents was significantly and negative correlated with academic stress. Parental aspiration and parent’s education was significantly and positively correlated with academic stress.ennullParental aspiration and academic stress among adolescentsThesis