Dr. K. M. KarethaAAL JIGARKUMAR MAVAJIBHAI10206190012023-12-152023-12-152022-10https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810203538The present investigation entitled “Effect of foliar application of biostimulants and silicon on fruit setting, yield and quality of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Kesar” was carried out at Fruit Research Station, Sakkarbaug, College of Horticulture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh during the year 2020-21 and 2021-22. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with Factorial concept (FRBD) consisting two factors with three replications. The treatment comprised with biostimulants viz., without biostimulant, humic acid (1.5 %), panchagavya (3 %), seaweed extract (0.2 %), novel organic liquid fertilizer (2 %) and silicon viz., without silicon, potassium silicate (0.2 %) and orthosilicic acid (0.2 %). The results pertaining to yield and yield attributing and physical parameters with respect to biostimulants indicated significantly maximum number of fruits at grain (71.67, 70.75 and 71.21), pea (15.77, 14.62 and 15.19) and marble stage (4.83, 3.89 and 4.36), fruits at pea (21.96, 20.57 and 21.27 %) and marble stage (6.70, 5.47 and 6.09 %), fruit retention at harvesting (2.13, 1.93 and 2.03 %), minimum fruit drop at pea (78.05, 79.43 and 78.74 %) and marble stage (93.29, 94.54 and 93.91 %), lowest no. of nubbins per 100 fruits at pea (19.52, 21.31 and 20.42) and marble stage (9.78, 11.57 and 10.67), maximum number of fruits per tree (236.34, 191.09 and 213.71), fruit yield (54.87, 46.69 and 50.78 kg/tree) and fruit yield (15.25, 12.98 and 14.12 t/ha), maximum fruit length (10.51, 10.69 and 10.60 cm), fruit breadth (6.64, 6.71 and 6.67 cm), fruit weight (229.68, 239.48 and 234.58 g), pulp weight (172.23, 179.50 and 175.87 g) and pulp: stone ratio (5.16, 5.15 and 5.16) was recorded with the foliar application of humic acid 1.5 % during both the years as well as in pooled analysis, respectively. In biochemicals and quality parameters maximum TSS (23.29, 23.55 and 23.42 ºBrix), ascorbic acid (48.81, 49.19 and 49.00 mg/100 g), total sugar (15.35, 15.40 and 15.38 %), reducing sugar (5.31, 5.45 and 5.38 %) and minimum acidity Abstract (0.210, 0.207 and 0.208 %), maximum fruit firmness (4.41, 4.54 and 4.47 kg/cm2 ), marketable fruits (20.91, 21.56 and 21.24 %), shelf life (13.32, 13.42 and 13.37 days). minimum physiological loss in weight (13.27, 12.85 and 13.06 %) and spoilage (82.06, 81.78 and 81.92 %) was recorded under the foliar application of humic acid 1.5 % during the year 2020-21, 2021-22 and in pooled analysis, respectively. However, different biostimulants had non-significant effect on non-reducing sugar of fruit during individual years and in pooled data. Among the various silicon foliar application of potassium silicate 0.2 % was registered with maximum number of fruits at grain (70.73, 69.78 and 70.25), pea (14.81, 13.65 and 14.23) and marble stage (4.48, 3.69 and 4.08), fruits at pea (20.86, 19.57 and 20.21 %) and marble stage (6.29, 5.26 and 5.77 %), fruit retention at harvesting (1.97, 1.73 and 1.85 %), minimum fruit drop at pea (79.12, 80.51 and 79.82 %) and marble stage (93.71, 94.75 and 94.23 %), lowest no. of nubbins per 100 fruits at pea (21.57, 23.47and 22.52) and marble stage (11.73, 13.87 and 12.80), maximum number of fruits per tree (215.17, 175.87 and 195.52), fruit yield (49.15, 41.14 and 45.14 kg/tree) and fruit yield (13.66, 11.44 and 12.55 t/ha), maximum fruit length (10.35, 10.43 and 10.39 cm), fruit breadth (6.56, 6.54 and 6.55 cm), fruit weight (224.62, 227.86 and 226.24 g), pulp weight (167.57, 170.02 and 168.79 g) and pulp: stone ratio (5.07, 5.07 and 5.07) during individual years as well as in pooled analysis, respectively. The study revealed the maximum TSS (22.85, 23.03 and 22.94 ºBrix), ascorbic acid (48.12, 48.51 and 48.31 mg/100 g), total sugar (15.80, 15.84 and 15.82 %), reducing sugar (5.01, 5.16 and 5.08 %), minimum acidity (0.219, 0.214 and 0.217 %), maximum fruit firmness (4.21, 4.32 and 4.27 kg/cm2 ), marketable fruits (16.84, 16.73 and 16.78 %), shelf life (12.78, 13.03 and 12.90 days), minimum physiological loss in weight (13.94, 13.50 and 3.72 %) and spoilage (81.84, 81.77 and 81.81 %) was observed in potassium silicate 0.2 % during the year 2020-21, 2021-22 and in pooled analysis, respectively. While, variation in non-reducing sugar was observed non significant due to different application of silicon during individual years as well as in pooled data. In the present investigation some of the interaction effects were also found significant. The treatment combination (B1S1) application of humic acid 1.5 % with potassium silicate 0.2 % recorded maximum number of fruits per tree (259.26, 211.88 and 235.57), fruit yield (64.66, 56.18 and 60.42 kg/tree), fruit yield (17.97, 15.62 and 16.80 t/ha), fruit length (10.93, 11.20 and 11.06 cm), fruit breadth (6.82, 6.90 and 6.86 cm), fruit weight (247.78, 261.63 and 254.71 g), pulp weight (187.39, 197.83 and 192.61 g) and TSS (24.10, 24.51 and 24.30 ºBrix) during both the years as well as in pooled analysis, respectively. Among the different treatment combination, humic acid 1.5 % with potassium silicate 0.2 % (B1S1) recorded highest net realization (₹ 6,41,568/ha) with BCR (3.23) followed by treatment combination of panchagavya 3 % with potassium silicate 0.2 % (B2S1) with net realization (₹ 5,46,068/ha) and BCR (3.16). On the basis of finding of two years experiment, it can be concluded that for improved yield and yield attributing characters, physical, biochemicals and quality parameters as well as higher net realization can be achieved with foliar application of humic acid 1.5 % along with potassium silicate 0.2 % at initiation of flowering, pea and marble stageEnglishEFFECT OF FOLIAR APPLICATION OF BIOSTIMULANTS AND SILICON ON FRUIT SETTING, YIELD AND QUALITY OF MANGO (Mangifera indica L.) CV. KESAR 3636Thesis