ASHOK, VASILI(MAJOR)NARSIMHA REDDY, YESWAR PRASAD, PNAVEEN SWAROOP, M2018-11-082018-11-082010-06 Understanding the proteins role and their spatiotemporal relationships in the development of brain will enrich the knowledge about structure – function relationships, control of productive traits, cognitive functions, behavior, artificial intelligence and neurological diseases. This study explores the different proteins involved in the development of the brain. Brains from Vanaraja breed embryos were collected from days 2 to 13continuously; from days 15,17,19,21 and from 6weeks birds. Brains were dissected under stereozoom microscope, collected in tris buffer pH 8.3, homogenized and centrifuged in refrigerated centrifuge at 10,000 rpm for 20 min. The supernatants were collected and analyzed by SDS PAGE (5% Stacking gel and 12% resolving gel). The proteins were differentially expressed during different developmental stages. 27 prominent differentially expressed proteins were identified. There was a progressive increase in the expression levels of higher molecular weights with advancing age. During early development of brain, may be low molecular weight proteins are playing a vital role in neural induction, anterio –posterior patterning, dorsovental patterning and cell differentiation. Based on molecular weights, in the light of earlier literature some of these proteins may be kinectin (160kDa), aggrecan (145kDa), PLC-β4 (130kDa), amyloid precursor proteins (120-123kDa), anosmin1 (100kDa), β catenin (92-102kDa), Brevican (97kDa), clusterin (80kDa), hyaluran receptor for motility (75kDa), heat shock protein (73kDa), GPI brevican (66kDa), occludin (60kDa), Glypican (58kDa), stanniocalcin (50kDa), synaptic vesicle protein (34kDa), claudin (22-25kDa), shhN protein (20kDa), FGF (16kDa), myelin basic protein (14kDa). Further research has to be done using gradient PAGE, 2D PAGE, immunohistochemistry and other molecular biological techniques like gene knockout and microarray to confirm the identity and to know the functional role and spatio-temporal relations of these proteins during brain development.ennullDIFFERENTIAL EXPRESSION OF CHICKEN BRAIN PROTEINS DURING DEVELOPMENTThesis