Filia, GursimranSingh, Maninder2019-10-172019-10-172018 aim of the study was to diagnose caprine tuberculosis and paratuberculosis in goats with objectives to detect CMI response against Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in goats and to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in goats by molecular techniques. A total of 200 goats above 2 years of age, one hundred goats from one organized and one hundred from four unorganized farms were randomly selected for the study. Blood and fecal samples (n=200 each) were collected from the goats. For diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis, comparative intradermal tuberculin test (CITT) in animals for CMI response, while IS6110 PCR and IS6110 real time PCR on blood samples were performed for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). While for diagnosis of paratuberculosis, Ziehl-Neelsen’s staining of acid fast bacilli in fecal samples, IS900 PCR and IS900 real time PCR for detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) were carried out. Out of 200 animals, a total of three (1.5%) animals were positive by CITT, 38 (19%) animals showed inconclusive results and 159 (79.5%) were negative reactors. Out of 200 animals, four animals (2.0%) were positive for MTC in IS6110 PCR. MTC was further confirmed as M. bovis by IS6110 real time PCR. Four samples positive by conventional PCR were also positive for IS6110 real time PCR. Further, by ZiehlNeelsen’s staining, fifteen (7.5%) out of 200 fecal samples showed acid fast bacilli, while nine animals (4.5%) were positive for MAP in IS900 PCR. By IS900-TaqMan real time PCR, thirteen (6.5%) animals were detected positive for MAP including nine animals, which were positive in conventional PCR.The animals which were positive for M. bovis are different from the animals, which were positive for MAP. Thus the present study reported the prevalence of caprine tuberculosis and paratuberculosis in Punjab. Multiple diagnostic approaches were helpful for confirmatory diagnosis of these mycobacterial diseases in live animals. Further, the present study provides additional knowledge in the diagnosis of mycobacterial disease in goats from Punjab, which had not been carried out earlier.ennullMolecular diagnosis of caprine tuberculosis and paratuberculosis in goat herdsThesis