KUMAR NAIKHARISHA2023-12-192023-12-192021https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810203821The fishes like Clarias batrachus, Rastrelliger kanagurta, Gerres filamentosus, Nemipterus japonicus, Etroplus suratensis and Rhabdosargus sarba were preserved by using plastination technology. They were collected from fish stall centers, dissected and were fixed with 10% formal saline for 3 days. Dehydration was carried out in four changes of pure acetone for a period of 7 days depending on the size of the specimen. Impregnation was carried out by using combination of 15% tea cups and thermocol solutions prepared by recycling plastic tea cup and thermocol at room temperature for 15 days. Various fishes like Clarias batrachus – 67.70%; Rastrelliger kanagurta – 63.21%; Gerres filamentosus – 65.18%; Nemipterus japonicus – 67.86%; Etroplus suratensis – 61.83% ; and Rhabdosargus sarba - 64.97% showed over all shrinkage percentage at room temperature. The color change was black in Clarias batrachus; slightly whitish in Gerres filamentosus; and slightly yellowish in Nemipterus japonicus against their normal color. But there was no change in any morphological details except hardening. Another new innovative technique was developed for preservation of the specimens. i.e., The Elnady technique or Glycerin dry mount method. The fishes like Rastrelliger kanagurta and Gerres filamentosus were collected from fish stall centers. Elnady technique was carried out by using pure glycerin in impregnation and corn starch in curing step. Two Rastrelliger kanagurta and one Gerres filamentosus fishes were preserved. Rastrelliger kanagurta (A) – 21.00%; Rastrelliger kanagurta (B) – 20.91% and Gerres filamentosus – 8.33% showed over all shrinkage percentage at room temperature. The color was normal and consistency became soft and flexible.TO STUDY DIFFERENT PRESERVATION TECHNIQUE IN FISH FOR ACADEMIC USEThesis