B.K. TiwariPrasant Kumar Subudhi2024-06-102024-06-101993https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810210328The basic objective of this study was to elucidate if the plant derivatives/preparations of Centella asiatica (CA), Phyllanthus niruri (PN), Tinospora cordifolia (TC) and Vigna radiata (VR); have any immunomodulatory effect in vivo, in non-immuno compromised healthy subjects, on a long term regimen. Shade dried fresh leaves of CA (250 mg/kg daily dose orally), shade dried matured plant without roots of PN (decoction of 500 mg dry powder/kg daily dose orally), shade dried matured plant stem of TC (decoction of 500 mg dry powder/kg daily dose orally) and sprouted seeds of VR (5 g dry seed/kg daily dose orally) were studied for such effect in rabbits. All the plant derivatives/preparations were found to have modulatory effect on immune mechanisms in vivo. CA was found to suppress the humoral immune response to Salmonella gallinarum 0° antigen (SG 0 Ag) and DTH response to contact sensitizer DNFB; but hyper stimulated neutrophil PMNs on prolonged treatment resulting in degranulation of neutrophils (PMNS) of treated animals in response to NBT dye in vitro when NBT test was performed after 45 days of continuous CA administration. It was found to have ant allergic effect as induction of type-1 hypersensitivity to SG 0 Ag in CA treated animals failed to produce any symptom. It was also found to have certain anti-inflammatory effect as seen in the inflammatory response post contact sensitization with DNFB, in the treated animals. PN did not seem to have any direct modulatory effect on the humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. It neither had any activating effect on PMNS. However, it suppressed to some extent inflammatory response post contact sensitization with DNFB and prevented death due to induced type-1 hypersensitivity to SG O'Ag indicating its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic activities which was of a lesser degree than that of CA. TC also did not seem to have any direct modulatory effect on the humoral and cell-mediated immune responses; but hyper stimulated neutrophils (PMNS) on prolonged treatment and exhibited a similar activity as CA in this regard. It also exhibited certain anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory actives which was more marked than PN but of a lesser degree than that of CA. VR augmented the humoral responses of treated animals. Activity of phagocytozing after. 45 response by VR PMNS and cell mediated It also enhanced the immune phagocytic as evidenced by higher percentage. PMNS in the peripheral blood of treated. days of continuous VR administration. post contact sensitization with DNFB was and the induced type-1 hypersensitivity SG O Ag was more pronounced. of NBT animals Inflammatory intensified reaction These observations indicate VR has general immunity enhancing properties. to that The possible mechanism (s) of action (s) and avenues clinical application of the plant preparations have been discussed.EnglishStudies on Immunomodulatory Effect of Centlia Asiatica Phylanthus Niruri, Tinospora Cordifolia And Vigna Radiata In RabbitsThesis